Random question - Mavic helmet

dinkdankdo10 Posts: 180
edited July 2014 in Road buying advice
I have a Mavic plasma helmet and the left hand side strap catch broke. Does anyone have any ideas where I can get a replacement ?


  • team47b
    team47b Posts: 6,425
    How old is it?
    my isetta is a 300cc bike
  • dinkdankdo10
    dinkdankdo10 Posts: 180
    just over a year so out of warranty ;-(
  • cswitch
    cswitch Posts: 261
    I would still get in touch with Mavic if it is recently out of warranty. I'd just explain it doesn't meet expectation etc etc. They may provide you helmet at cost or even free. Explain you have many Mavic products which you're very happy with yardy yardy yah. Garmin did a free replacement for me on a out of warranty Edge that broke and I've had other similar situations.
  • dinkdankdo10
    dinkdankdo10 Posts: 180
    Thanks all. Mavic have been brilliant. Told my local shop just to replace it with a new one. They also said all Mavic products have a 2 year warranty.

    Very simple customer care but now I wouldn't hesitate to buy more Mavic products.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    I'd definitely expect more than a year from something like that - so good that they have a 2 year warranty.