disc brakes again not locking, advice please

MedwayComputers Posts: 34
edited July 2014 in MTB workshop & tech
I have a voodoo hoodoo and since day one the rear brake never locked the wheel.
After having them serviced by an independent they still didn't work properly so I complained 18 months after owning the bike to the shop.

The company were superb they upgraded the rear brake to a tektro HD-M725 at no cost.
What a difference, slight squeeze of the brake and it would lock the wheel with no effort at all.

Trouble is this weekend I decide to service the bike. Took the rear wheel off, slight oil to the shaft but not to the disc or brake then put it back on.
Guess what, the rear brake now doesn't lock the wheel, just gradually brings me to a stop.
I have tried using very fine sand paper on the disc and the pads but with no joy.
Today I bought mucc off disc brake cleaner, slightly better but still won't lock the wheel.
I can squeeze the handle really tight but it just won't lock the wheel.

What have I done?

Can anyone help?

