'king traffic lights, less is more...

weadmire Posts: 165
edited July 2014 in Commuting general
Coincidentally my partner received the details of a reply given to a question about the Exhibition Road shared space scheme this morning. Some resident petrol head had been trying to have it the lack of segregation between vehicles and pedestrians was dangerous. In reply Clr Paget-Brown of RBKC quoted the numbers: in the three years to the opening of the scheme 54 collisions of all stripes were recorded, in the year to Dec 2013 there was just.... one.

Traffic lights and any scheme other than shared space is a dangerous and expensive waste of time. We should campaign for shared space throughout London. And no need to stop at London of course.
13-15 Great Eastern Street
London EC2A 3EJ


  • alan_sherman
    alan_sherman Posts: 1,157
    That road certainly feels dangerous. I've lost count the number of times southbound traffic thinks it is a dual carriageway until they meet Northbound cars. Pedestrians walking out without looking is a bit of a problem, but worse is the random parking of delivery or builders trucks - often opposite each other really causing a pinch point.

    To be honest I don't think the lack of segregation is why accidents are down. Moving vehicles away form the busy pavement outside the museums and effectively widening the pavement by two lanes is probably the main reason.
  • weadmire
    weadmire Posts: 165
    In apparently complaining of feeling anxious you seem to be forgetting that feeling anxious is a key ingredient of the shared space process. That or perhaps you work for SERCO or some similar bunch of public purse pickers.
    13-15 Great Eastern Street
    London EC2A 3EJ
  • alan_sherman
    alan_sherman Posts: 1,157
    Ha! Your last post says a lot about your world view. :roll:
  • weadmire
    weadmire Posts: 165
    I hope that's not a yes, you are not a SERCO or some subsidiary thereof man are you? I suppose to defend them would be forgiveable if you worked for them but to otherwise think there's much by way of a world view to glean from thinking such companies are dull parasites is stretching things. Certainly taking personal responsibility for how we the public go about things is antithetical to them and their ilk. I shudder to think about what they and theirs take out of traffic lights by way of revenue. If generally taking personal responsibility caught on how would they be left?

    Are you a light jumper or light complier btw?
    13-15 Great Eastern Street
    London EC2A 3EJ