How do you prevent sunstroke?

Too Fast
Too Fast Posts: 17
edited July 2014 in Road beginners
Sounds simple but......

Today I started my cycle at 9am as I waited for the school run mothers to be off the road before I went out. I normally do 23 miles but this time I decided to do 2 laps so did 46 miles. I didn't stop at any stage and took 2hrs 35mins finishing at 11:35. The rest of the day I have been feeling like crap showing typical symptoms of sunstroke. I carry 2x 750ml bottles, 1 of lucosade sport and the other of water with a high 5 tablet in it which I took on evenly over the distance. I know people ride much further and for longer so how do others avoid sunstroke or similar?


  • Buckie2k5
    Buckie2k5 Posts: 600
    Are you sure its not just fatigue from doing double your usual?. I have had sunstroke a good few times in my life (pale skin) 2 hrs in the morning doesnt sound like enough to cause it, assuming you are in the uk.

    Loads of sun cream, salt and water.
  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,128
    there's heat exhaustion, and there's heatstroke (life threatening), the uk has been nowhere near hot enough to experience either (barring extended heavy exercise while wearing insulating clothing)

    if you'd experienced either this morning i doubt you'd be in the mood for posting on br

    sounds more like you simply used more energy than you are used to and then didn't replenish, which does make you feel like crap
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • Too Fast
    Too Fast Posts: 17
    I am in the U.K.,A fellow pale Scotsman now living in East Anglia where it was low 20s here today. Using too much energy and not replenishing could well be the cause. I did take on another litre of water before my shower but have really struggled since. It's the first time I've eaten on the bike taking on an energy gel and a couple of energy chews between 1 and 2 hours. I felt like crap all afternoon, very lethargic and fell asleep on the couch and woke up with a banging headache. I've not really done much since. Hopefully a good nights sleep will cure all or the 4am alarm call for work could be interesting.
  • chrisgal
    chrisgal Posts: 130
    The banging headache would be one symptom of dehydration. Often when you wake up in the morning you are very dehydrated so you would need to drink plenty before even starting your ride.
  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,128
    for the distance/time i'd guess you used around 1600kcal (+/-300, but it can vary a lot with conditions, weight, aerodynamics, hills, wind etc.)

    a common figure quoted is that the average uk male needs around 2500kcal/day, but that is not based on someone doing hard exercise

    you'll have used up a lot, maybe all, of your short-term energy reserves, 2-3 gels/chews will not come close to replacing that

    fwiw after hard training i take on some carbs+protein as soon as i finish the ride, a shake is easy to get down, and follow up with a meal in the next couple of hours, if i omit either i feel like crap too!

    as above, dehydration may have led to the headache
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • pinkteapot
    pinkteapot Posts: 367
    Agree re nutrition (calories). I did a big diet a few years ago and have monitored calories to maintain weight since. I always eat my basic daily calories (1,200 per day if losing weight, 1,700 per day for maintaining), PLUS whatever I burn with exercise that day.

    However, if I know I'm going to do a long ride, I'll use some of the extra calories the night before with a bigger-than-usual portion of carbs with dinner. This also forces me to go out on the road as I've already over-eaten for it! I know a lot of people on here say there's no need to think about your calories the night before unless you're doing 'proper' distance (100 miles or something). Personally I find that what I've eaten the night before does make a difference to how I feel, even if I'm just riding for a couple of hours. My best time and best-feeling ride ever was actually the morning after I troughed a large Dominos pizza (2,600 calories!!), but I don't think that's what a sports coach would recommend. :lol:

    As per the post above, I also eat a carb/protein mix straight after a long ride. Admittedly that's normally a sausage or bacon sandwich as a reward, but probably not the healthiest choice. 8)
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Are you used to the distance ?

    Thats a pretty handy average speed as well. I think you've pushed hard in warm conditions.
  • Too Fast
    Too Fast Posts: 17
    I'm not used to the distance, I normally do 23 miles about 3 times a week with the odd 30 miler so it was a bit far. I looked at a breakdown of what I did and the 2nd lap was quicker than the 1st. The 2nd lap was 1.5 mins off my personal best for a single lap so I was pushing it.
  • xstrathyx
    xstrathyx Posts: 1,104
    I'm feeling the same today. Normally sit at 15-20 mile trips. Today put it out to nearly 37 miles. Head is thumping (which I appreciate is dehydration) and I feel like pooh. Took on a lot of fluids since but still feel burst. Weather was nice and I was getting destroyed by a head wind on the return (defo expended more energy due to this). Learning curve today