
ej2320 Posts: 1,543
edited July 2014 in MTB workshop & tech
I have a very annoying creak that's just started on my bike and I cannot find the source
The sound is a creak/cracking sound not a click.. so I'm almost certain it's metal on metal movement

I think the sound is coming from the headset but it's hard to tell as I think the sound is being amplified by the frame
The noise happens when lean far over the back of the bike (ie weight the rear).. then after a couple of bonces the noise stops no matter how far back I lean and bonce the rear shock.. then if I then shift my weight forward and compress the forks it will do the same noise, then stop after a few compressions.. then if I lean back it will creak again and so on

So as far as I can tell its some metal on metal movement when I apply pressure on the back or front

I've done all the obvious such as packing the headset with grease and removing and cleaning the BB cups
It's not the seatpost making the noise either

Can anyone suggest when this noise might be or how to fix it?


  • pesky_jones
    pesky_jones Posts: 2,890
    Try this,

    1) hold brake on and gently rock the bike forward to check for play. it will be very slight.

    2) dont underestimate pedals, its worth changing them to a spare pair to see if the noise continues

    3)hold the front brake on, and push the bike forward quickly so the fork dives. Hear anything? If there is a click/creak, then do the same thing (hold brake and push forward) and see if it will make the noise doing the exact same. If it doesn't make the noise the second time, bounce the bike up on its back wheel and bounce it up holding the bars, see if it clicks. If it now clicks again, then bounce it again and see if it clicks again.

    Let me know results! I had a creak/crack/click for ages it drove me mad. Turned out it was the CSU assembly of my fork. I think its rare howver so dont jump to that conclusoon
  • pesky_jones
    pesky_jones Posts: 2,890
    If all else fails, take it all apart. Take the shock out and cycle it through its suspension to see how smooth it is.

    Checkk all the bolts and sh1t are tight/not too tight
  • ej2320
    ej2320 Posts: 1,543
    I had a quick play and it's a bit different to how I first thought

    If I lean back far back and bounce/apply weight it will creak
    BUT, then if I lean forward and compress the forks it doesn't actually do it

    If after leaning back I apply pressure on the pedals and wheelie it will creak then stop
    So it's a cycle of leaning back then applying pressure that makes the creak

    I held the brakes and checked for play and there doesn't seem to be any and the rear shock is fine if I just bounce on the bike with my weight centered or sat on the saddle

    So I no longer think it's the headset

    I think it's either the pedals, cranks/BB or rear hub
    but I may be totally wrong and I think I might have to take it apart like pesky jones says

    Any further input would be appreciated
  • Gibbo3771
    Gibbo3771 Posts: 145
    Try tightening cranks and pedals?

    This sounds like a loose bolt, most common creak problem.

    If you have a 3 piece that is all separate make sure they are tight.
  • ej2320
    ej2320 Posts: 1,543
    After messing around for a while I do think it's the crankset or pedals
    It seems to be related to weighting the pedals/cranks but echos round the frame making it sound like the headset

    So I'll take it apart and check all bolts.. I'm going to order a torque wrench to make sure I get everything tight enough
    also I have an XT crankset if that helps you understand
  • ej2320
    ej2320 Posts: 1,543
    Also while I'm here I was wondering if anyone knew or could tell me how to measure the screw that holds part of the shimano thru axel in place on the 2014 Transition Covert


    It's that small hole, it should have a screw in it but it must have fallen out
  • ej2320
    ej2320 Posts: 1,543
    Just given it a full BB overhaul and it's not sorted the problem

    I'm going to get a replacement screw as shown above, while I don't think it is the source of the noise I'm going to rule it out for sure

    Next suspect is the rear hub....
  • pesky_jones
    pesky_jones Posts: 2,890
    Pedals and chain ring bolts?
  • ej2320
    ej2320 Posts: 1,543
    Just checked both of those ^

    I'm now fairly sure it's the rear hub/axel
    It could be the rear wheel somehow moving slightly within the dropouts or some play in the hub somehow

    Although the sound still seems to be coming from the headset...

    I think it's going to have to go to the bike shop as it's really starting to annoy me
  • pesky_jones
    pesky_jones Posts: 2,890
    I wouldnt personally go bike shop, seeing as they'll probally only do what your doing anyway.

    Where did you get your wheels built? loose spoke?

    If you think its rear wheel - definitly see if you can swap it with a mate or something to see if it goes away!
  • ej2320
    ej2320 Posts: 1,543
    edited July 2014
    The wheels were factory built by Hope sand I did have a quick look for a loose spoke but didn't see anything. Although my knowledge of wheel building is small

    I don't think any of my mates have a 27.5 rear wheel with the 142x12 dropouts
    I'll pop the wheel off again and check the hub end caps and check the hub for any hairline cracks

    While it's very annoying it doesn't seem to effect the performance.. I have a trip to Llandegla planned next week so I may just leave it and then try servicing the hub after
  • pesky_jones
    pesky_jones Posts: 2,890
    Yeah definitly leave it till after the trip! Lucky bastard. im out of action for anoher two weeks minium. Recovering from broken collarbone :evil:

    Erm I'd try and find one locally im sure if you get on a local forum and put up a topic someone will lend you a wheel for half hour.

    Seeing as you havnt narrowed it down definitively, I wouldnt spend a dollar untill you suss it - speaking from expierience. Could have nothing to do with the wheel ad you'll be X amount down and nowhere closer to solving the problem
  • ej2320
    ej2320 Posts: 1,543
    Unlucky, haven't had a chance to get the Blindside rolling then?

    I took the rear wheel off and serviced the freehub and the freehub bearings are perfect.. However the general hub bearings do seems a bit.. Rough, don't know if it's the source of the creak the there seems to be no play in the axel

    I'll give it a check over for cracks then just throw it around at Llandegla anyway

    I'm not sure how but I think it could be to do with the missing screw I pointed out above
    I think while it still secures the wheel the rear axel could be moving very slightly under load, I'll know for sure once I find out what screw I need
  • paul.skibum
    paul.skibum Posts: 4,068
    Pull the pedals apart and grease the bearings as well.

    But a missing bolt in the rear axle assembly sounds like something you should fix first.
    Closet jockey wheel pimp whore.
  • ej2320
    ej2320 Posts: 1,543
    I think I have finally found the source.. And guess what, it's due to that missing screw mentioned above

    I greased the part that was missing the screw and while the noise is still there is much quieter
    Transition haven't yet replied to my email but hopefully a new screw should fix it
  • ej2320
    ej2320 Posts: 1,543
    Right... I've replaced the missed grub screw and it hasn't solved it

    It's not the pedals as it does it without me touching them and it does it with the chain off

    I now think it's the pivot bearings, I placed my foot in the centre of the crank arm, pushed while pulling the bars and saddle to effectively twist the bike and it made the noise.. So I tightened the caps on the pivots and it's a lot quiter and infrequent. I don't know if this is due to the tightening or twisting the frame

    I would take it to my LBS but I need the bike next week and next Sunday for a skills course, so is there anything I can do in the meantime that's not too difficult for your typical home mechanic that might help?

    The bike is a Transition Covert 2014, so the linkage isn't very complicated
  • ej2320
    ej2320 Posts: 1,543
    I'm going to have a go at striping the rear linkage on my Covert tomorrow
    One of the benefits of the bike is a simple design

    But I was wondering what I should actually grease?
    I was thinking just cleaning then checking the bearings and greasing any I think could do with it then grease the pivots and tighten them all up appropriately
  • Dick Scruttock
    Dick Scruttock Posts: 2,533
    Check the bushings in the shock.
  • ej2320
    ej2320 Posts: 1,543
    Okay, I've checked the bushings and they're good

    But.. The axle in the main pivot next to the BB has seized onto the bearings, while it still works the axle is moving very slightly causing a metal on metal creak

    I tried to hammer it out and it's pretty stuck and I'm worried I'll hit the bearings out and I don't have the bearing press to get them back in

    So I've tried my best to get some grease in there and tightened everything up, I'll see what it's like but this will be a job for the LBS
  • ej2320
    ej2320 Posts: 1,543
    A test ride confirms it

    It's very quiet after messed about with it and slowly getting louder, So I'll nip it up before the course Sunday and get it to my LBS the following week