Lost jockey wheel bush

kingofthetailwind Posts: 575
edited June 2014 in Workshop
I was cleaning the bike last night and took the jockey wheels off as some thread or something was caught in them. I managed to lose the bush of the lower wheel. How bad an idea is it to ride the bike until I find a replacement? (Ridiculously expensive in all my LBSs, so will have to order online)


  • sandyballs
    sandyballs Posts: 577
    I would say if you ride it the 2 metal plates will quickly eat into the plastic jockey wheel so when you get the bush you will then be waiting whilst you order another jockey wheel at more cost.
  • arlowood
    arlowood Posts: 2,561
    Just a thought - you could source some PTFE sheet and just cut out one or more suitably sized discs and drill through. This will give you a temporary repair until the new bush arrives.

    1 mm sheet available on eBay:-

    http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/like/22084538 ... 108&ff19=0

    Just cut as many discs as you need to match the thickness of the missing bush. Squirt of chain lube and jobs a good-un
  • Managed to find it, in my shoe! Thanks for the replies.