Ultegra 6800 brakes

phillips1965 Posts: 67
edited June 2014 in Workshop
Anybody any idea why the micro barrel adjuster on my ultegra brakes are unable to turn.


  • marin_maniac
    marin_maniac Posts: 513
    No problem with mine. Excellent brakes with Swisstop green!
  • Wasn't really the answer I was looking for but thanx for the imput.
  • marin_maniac
    marin_maniac Posts: 513
    Are you referring to the barrel adjuster to increase/decrease cable tension?
  • Yes Marin Maniac, the knurled plastic adjuster it is totally solid no movement whatsoever. Isn't a major issue in the grand scheme of things but I like things to be right
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    You've done the extremely obvious thing and undone the cable clamp to see if the adjuster turns without the cable tension acting on it of course....... :wink:
    Faster than a tent.......
  • Hi, so what is the solution Rolf f a new adjuster or what ?
  • desweller
    desweller Posts: 5,175
    It is just a screw. So the usual things that stop screws turning could affect it, i.e.:

    1. It's wound all the way in and has been done up too tightly to undo with your fingers
    2. The thread's seized up (thread pickup, crossthreaded or fitted with debris in the thread)
    - - - - - - - - - -
    On Strava.{/url}
  • dilatory
    dilatory Posts: 565
    Mine were tight for the initial un-screw but now fine. Give it all you've got. Dig deep and unscrew.
  • Managed it guys think it was caked in grit, come in handy forums.
