Eyewear & forward vision

macp Posts: 94
edited June 2014 in Road beginners
Its been a while since I last rode and I was surprised just how nervous I was especially moving my hands to different positions on the bars. Anyway I expect the nerves will go but riding on the hoods I noticed if I lift my head as far as it will go comfortably I am still looking upwards into the distance.Is the seat too high and the bars too low ?

Also I am very long sighted and wear spectacles which doesnt help as they have thick frames.I think I can get away with not wearing them and wear some kind of eyewear to keep out the bugs and stones.What do you all wear ?


  • Rod11
    Rod11 Posts: 293
    I may be missing the point, but if you're looking into the distance when you lift your head up, why would that suggest your seat too high/bars too low? I could perhaps see where you were coming from if the opposite was true ie. you tilt your head as far as comfortable yet you're still looking down slightly.

    Regarding eyewear, I always were glasses. I've got a more expensive pair which I keep for the sun, but for when it's raining and just want clear lenses I've got these
  • macp
    macp Posts: 94
    Thanks and sorry I didnt make myself very clear but yes I am tilting my head as far back as comfortable yet still looking down slightly
  • Rod11
    Rod11 Posts: 293
    Ah sorry, read your post again and I see what you mean, you're having to move your eyes upwards (makes sense now!). Well yes it could be that you're in a very aggressive position (bars very low) but it's more probably just a case of being a bit inflexible. Riding in the same position for hours does take a bit of getting used to. If you're able to, a side on picture of your position would be helpful, but as I say, it's probably just a case of your body not being used to it.
  • macp
    macp Posts: 94
    No need for apologies Jack I didnt explain myself properly.I agree with you there is definitely an element of my body not being used to the position but also ive just been doing some research on bike setup particularly seat stem height.When I place the ball of my foot on the pedal at the lowest point my leg is stretched and I cant reach to to put the heel of my foot on the pedal.I think it could be as much as two inches too high.Not sure about the bar height though ?
  • Rod11
    Rod11 Posts: 293
    Hmm that sounds like your saddle might be too high then. As a general rule, you want your heal to be just touching the pedal when it's at it's lowest point; this should give you a slight bend in your knee when you place the ball of your foot on the pedal. How many spacers are there underneath your stem? If there's a few then I doubt your handlebars are too low.
  • drlodge
    drlodge Posts: 4,826
    macp wrote:
    Also I am very long sighted and wear spectacles which doesnt help as they have thick frames.I think I can get away with not wearing them and wear some kind of eyewear to keep out the bugs and stones.What do you all wear ?

    I wear these https://www.dualeyewear.com/index.php/s ... 2-pro.html as they are "normal" cycling glasses with interchangable lenses, but you have the option of having a 1.5/2.0/2.5 diopter strength part of the lense (like a bi focal) which aids when reading. However if you are very long sighted, this might not be strong enough - but its better than nothing.

    I ordered mine from the US which is cheaper, but you get stung for import duties. Some models and lenses are available from highonbikes http://www.highonbikes.com/catalogsearc ... al+eyewear hence why I went direct to the US
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  • macp
    macp Posts: 94
    Jack93 wrote:
    Hmm that sounds like your saddle might be too high then. As a general rule, you want your heal to be just touching the pedal when it's at it's lowest point; this should give you a slight bend in your knee when you place the ball of your foot on the pedal. How many spacers are there underneath your stem? If there's a few then I doubt your handlebars are too low.

    Thanks Jack seat now lowered and its much better.Regarding the headstock (see pic).
