Squeaking shoes

term1te Posts: 1,462
edited June 2014 in Road general
I've been using a pair of Sidi shoes for a couple of years now and really like them, light, comfortable with a ridged sole. However, in the last couple of months the left shoe has started to squeak very annoyingly with every pedal stroke. At first I thought it was the pedal, but switching pedals and even bikes the squeak remains. The cleats are fairly new and appear firmly attached so I don’t think it is that making the noise. If I twist my heal as far out as it can go the squeaking stops, but not really a practical solution.

I guess it is caused by the buckle or Velcro fasteners moving slightly with each pedal stroke? I’ve tried putting some shoe polish under the fasteners, which seemed to stop it for about 10 minutes. Any better suggestions, or ideas as to what it could be? it’s really winding me up at the moment.



  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,558
    remove cleat

    check carefully for any sign of cracking or a loose threaded insert

    remove insole and anything else that's removable

    give a damn good wash with soapy water, rinse well, dry well, reassemble

    maybe it'll be ok, if not, try a smidge of silicone lube here and there
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • shipley
    shipley Posts: 549
    The cleats on my Sidi shoes tend to squeak every so often, as sungod says, take them off and put some silicon or even light grease on them. It's the cleats flexing against the sole of your shoes.
  • Coach H
    Coach H Posts: 1,092
    I find it is the velcro straps rubbing on the Lorica upper on both of my pairs.

    About once a year(ish) I put some Teflon lube (Finish Line Dry in my case) between the strap and the upper. This then cures the problem until the Teflon wears away. 2 minute fix once a year.
    Coach H. (Dont ask me for training advice - 'It's not about the bike')
  • term1te
    term1te Posts: 1,462
    Thanks for the replies.

    I've removed, cleaned and greased the cleat sole interface. There didn't appear to be any movement between the two, but I'm sure my legs put out more power than my hand. Hopefully it will be a quieter cycle home this evening. If that hasn't worked I'll try the teflon lube approach.

    Thanks again.
  • chris_bass
    chris_bass Posts: 4,913
    oddly enough my shoes have just started to squeak too.

    but they tend to do it in the middle of the rode and then stop by the time i get home and then i completely forget to do anything about it until half way around my next ride! hopefully this thread will remind me to do the above tonight!
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