Wheel Upgrade, Help Needed Please

Lspringett Posts: 16
edited June 2014 in Road buying advice
Hi All ,

I am currently riding a set of Planet X Model Bs which are coming to the end of their life. I am at a loss of what to do in relation to an upgrade.

I have about £250-300. Ideally I'm looking for weight saving and a genuine upgrade from what i currently have. Reviews keep telling me that weight vs cost the Planet X models b are very light, so worried I seen more than have too and end up with the same.

I've considered some cheap Chinese carbons but again cost vs weight doesn't seem that great against alloy wheels at my price range.

Thanks in advance.


  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    mmm, wheel upgrade in the price bracket of £250-£300...Nope, new one on me.

    Seriously, have a look through the old threads. The search feature is very good. Then think about what you want the wheels for (intended usage), your weight, the weather you ride in, the options (factory/handbuilt) and all will become clear. You will told you are a fat bstard (whatever your weight) and that handbuilts are the answer...either that or RS81s/Zondas, etc. Oh, and the word bombproof will pop up every other answer.
  • Lspringett
    Lspringett Posts: 16
    Thanks, I know it won't be much of an upgrade, if at all, just a case that they need replacing but don't currently do have the funds (or ability really) to make a big jump up and don't want to spend £150 extra on a set if just gonna get the same as another set of model b's.
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    The point is that some of the factors I list make a big difference. For instance, if you live in Norfolk then you can get away with a heavier wheel and maybe look at something deeper than a 24mm. If you weigh 90kg then some wheels won't be appropriate, same goes for spoke count. If you ride in all weathers then rim wear will be a problem so handbuilts (so that the rims can be replaced) may be right...and hub choice/maintenance will be important, etc. If you just say "I've got these and want to spent £300" then folks will just recommend what they have, which may not be right for you.
  • cycleclinic
    cycleclinic Posts: 6,865
    Reducing wheel weight does not make you faster. More aero wheels would but that will be expensive very expensive.

    H plus Archetypes on Miche Primato hub are do it all wheels in that price bracket, they may not be very light but if you are light enough for a lower spoke count they will be reasonably aerodynamic which will make them no worse than what you have in that department. They will however be a durable wheelset that is worth rebuilding when the rims wear out. Also look at the Kinlin XC-279 rim which is a bit heavier but is a good rim. both these rims are wide which does improve the ride a bit and handling in the corners.

    Cheap chinese wheels (carbon) are fine in the dry but carbon pads seem to evaporate in the wet and the hubs they use do not last in the wet so not the best choice for all year round use.
    http://www.thecycleclinic.co.uk -wheel building and other stuff.
  • cycleclinic
    cycleclinic Posts: 6,865
    I should clarify the post above a bit before someone gets the wrong end of the stick as so often happen. Wheel weight make little difference so long as the wheels are not too heavy if they are 1700g or under they are light enough already.

    Whay have your planet X wheels reached the end of there life. Rim wear if so a more durable rim (thicker braking surface which means a heavier rim) and softer brake pads are the solution. If it is spoke breakages a better build wheel and or more spokes are the solution, if it is hubs that are beyond repair then a more durable hub is needed. Pick you next wheelset to overcome the reason why your curreent wheels are worn out.
    http://www.thecycleclinic.co.uk -wheel building and other stuff.