quick question re front derailleur adjustment

prhymeate Posts: 795
edited June 2014 in Workshop

I've just upgraded my Triban 3 and now have a Ultegra 11 speed 6800 on my new bike (compact 11-25). It was an online order and I just took it for a quick ride up and down the road. I have noticed that when in the big ring, anything beyond the 16t (6th gear) causes the chain starts to rub on the inside of the front derailleur. Is this the norm on 11 speeds and the point I should be shifting to the small ring, or does the front derailleur need adjusting?
Also, I've noticed the rear brake at a bit of an odd angle...the wheel is centred so I'm not sure how I would change it, but is that ok?


Thanks in advance for any pointers, I'm afraid to touch any of the cables because I've only messed things up when doing it in the past on my Triban.


  • spanner239
    spanner239 Posts: 181
    edited June 2014
    From the photo, the rear wheel looks much closer to the right seat stay than the left, but that could just be the angle of the photo. Are the brake pad holders sat at the same height on either side? All looks a bit odd to be honest!
  • wongataa
    wongataa Posts: 1,001
    Have you used the trim function?
  • dj58
    dj58 Posts: 2,225
    The wheel does not look centred in the seat stays, is it seated correctly in the dropouts? If yes then the dishing must be out, hence why your rear brake caliper is not centred correctly. The brake pads look at an odd angle.

    Re your chain rub you need to use the trim function on the LH STI lever:
    http://techdocs.shimano.com/media/techd ... 696762.pdf
  • prhymeate
    prhymeate Posts: 795
    Cheers for the replies guys, I think the wheel must not have been seated corectly, I loosened the quick release and it moved ever so slightly and with a couple of adjustments it looks in line now.
    With regards to the trim function, it moves the derailleur very slightly towards the inner chain ring, but it must be 1mm at most and the chain still rubs.
    I might run it up to my LBS, every time in the past I tried to adjust my Triban I completely messed it up and I don't want to run the risk with this, especially as I have tomorrow off to go for a ride. I know there are a ton of youtube videos, I think I need to book myself into a course and be shown in person.
  • mitchgixer6
    mitchgixer6 Posts: 729
    The trim for that position on the 6800 FD is pretty easy as long as you've got a barrel adjuster on the FD cable. Do you have that?
  • andrewc3142
    andrewc3142 Posts: 906
    FD mechs are a thorough PITA until you've mastered them. Then they're easy peasy and you wonder why you ever had a problem.

    Like most jobs, best way to learn is to take it apart and redo from scratch. Radio and a few mugs of tea needed first time ....