Getting better two months in to it

deimosjohnny Posts: 135
edited May 2014 in Road beginners
Just shaved 4.30 minutes off my wee 10 mile circuit must have been my new castelli shorts and top :D

Its hilly not steep though with 700ft gain and at a fat 15st (should be 13st) my lungs feel every foot.

What is surprising is the average speed is only up by 0.8 to 11.8mph but this shaves so much time. Comfortable on the flat sections spinning at 18mph but the weight on the hilly bits drags me down to 5 on steep and 6-7 on less steep. One good downhill section which i can get to 35mph pedalling whole way down.


  • Baby Trek
    Baby Trek Posts: 118
    Well done...keep at it and enjoy!
  • BrandonA
    BrandonA Posts: 553

    I think this is the joy of cycling. You can have many goals such as speed on a particular circuit or trying to go longer. The more you do it the fitter you'll get, the lighter you'll get and then ultimately even faster.
  • Colinthecop
    Colinthecop Posts: 996
    A steady 18mph on the flat is pretty decent.

    Keep it up. 8)