2nd ride......broken arm!

Stephent Posts: 27
edited July 2014 in Road beginners
So there you have it, second time out on road and fell off, slight break to radius bone.

Went same loop I did first time (7 mins quicker including my fall) and fell off midway didn't release cleat in time........did i practice nope. Straight out Sunday and last night clipped in and went for it. Finished loop, shower, walked dogs then was stiffening up so went to hospital expecting tendon or ligament damage only to be told of break.....gutted is an understatement.

I've now also had a major confidence loss and wonder if I'm cut out for it.

Anybody had a similar injury and give idea on time back onto bike? I'm not in cast and have some movement so just trying to keep it moving as best I can before return to hospital next Wed am.

Defo out of my hometown Commonwealth games now.....haha


  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    just bad luck I'm afraid. I've fallen off a variety of bikes on numerous occasions and never broken anything. Lost a fair bit of skin, but no breaks.

    Try to get back on the thing as soon as you're allowed; don't let it dent your confidence.
  • 47p2
    47p2 Posts: 329
    Nursing a fractured vertebrae right now, (not cycling related) told 6-8 weeks for recovery. last year broken ribs caused me to loose 5-6 weeks cycling. So I guess your arm will be around the 5-8 weeks timeframe
  • jeannot18
    jeannot18 Posts: 720
    of course you are cut out for it, it is just bad luck and falls happens in cycling, just look at the pros, they still fall when they race. I would practice releasing your cleat stationery on the bike. Do it 100 times each side until it becomes "second nature".
    I had a major stack a few back while mountain biking, I was on my own and it happened right in the middle of the forest with nobody around. Luckily enough did not break anything, fat lip and slight concussion with some headache, could have been worse (I thought I broke my front teeth for a minute as landing on your face is not a good idea :D )
    Learn from the mistake, and go out again. With time you will put this incident behind you and heal well.
    Pédale ou crève
    Specialized Elite Allez with 105
    Rockrider 8.1 : )
  • philwint
    philwint Posts: 763
    edited May 2014
    Stephent wrote:
    Sdidn't release cleat in time........did i practice nope.

    I think that answers your question!

    While you are bust sit on the bike and practice, so when you are better it won't happen again :D
  • Stephent
    Stephent Posts: 27
    Yep - a very harsh not to mention very sore lesson learned..........im hopeful it won't be too long before i can put this behind me and move on. cheers for comments
  • Initialised
    Initialised Posts: 3,047
    I used to just ride my bike to work but now I find myself going out looking for bigger and bigger hills.
  • fat_cat
    fat_cat Posts: 566
    Broke my radius 35 years ago when I was a sproglet.

    In plaster 3 weeks, but I would imagine kids heal quicker so work on 5 to 6 weeks.

    Hope you get your confidence back, and the arm heals quickly.
  • Hollow-legs
    Hollow-legs Posts: 142
    I would not cut yourself up about it? It will repair and so will you mentally and you will soon be itching to get back on your bike and out riding.
    it takes a bit of time to get used to spd pedals ,i think you might have a couple of small practise rides first ,but hey ho !
    Falling and breaking a bone is just bad luck ,,it natrual to put your arms and hands out when falling to save yourself!

    So get better and ride as much as you can :D
  • Hi, I just joined the forum, so hi. :)

    8 weeks ago I gave up MTB and bought my first road bike.

    45 minutes on it, I had an accident. I literally flew and landed on the opposing lane. Luckily got away with a broken wrist and a "life flashing before one's eyes" experience. :mrgreen:

    I've been taking care of the wrist for the last 8 weeks. In the beginning I wasn't sure if I'd be able to ride again as it was a very intense experience and honestly, I got scared. But now, I can't wait untill the weekend. Finally I'll be able to ride again and I'm anxious about it!

    Watch Giro d'Italia or Tour of Norway, it helps a lot. ;)

    Best of luck to you.
  • n3crophile
    n3crophile Posts: 52
    I agree with the above post - watching the Tour of California/ Turkey/ Norway/ Giro d'Italia (US National Races going on today) has been great in keeping up my motivation as I recover from my second collarbone break.

    I did the first 5/6 years ago MTB'ing, and this second one came while descending a hill at 31mph and putting in needless power cranks when the chain bounced out. Strava tells me that my sliding down road speed was 21 mph following the 31mph riding speed! I fully maintain that it was all Strava's fault (I was 12th on that hill after riding it without trying and went back to get top 10) and highly advise that you do not focus on the speed ranking aspect of Strava if you get it!

    Don't let the injury detract from the glory of cycling. Just go easy and don't push yourself too hard. I am incredibly excited to get back on my bike (been over a month already, should do some easy rides in a week or so) but simultaneously worried about breaking my collarbone again. This is normal, but the healing power of the human body is very impressive and your arm will soon be as good as new! :) I have a titanium plate to boost my confidence now, also :mrgreen:
  • Stephent
    Stephent Posts: 27
    I'm back to hospital tomorrow so hope to get a more definite recovery period. Arm is fairly mobile and can almost straighten it and its been less than a week.

    Been tuning into the Giro and the tours and desperate to get back on it.......although a wee bit apprehensive!

    good luck to all the injured guys and gals!
  • Stephent
    Stephent Posts: 27
    5 weeks later got back out and did 16 miles today, arm a bit achey but great to be back in the saddle.

    However, I did bottle it to clip in and was prob overly cautious but sure it'll be fine in time.

    Hopefully I can now build up some good fitness over the next 3/4 months.
  • Kieran_Burns
    Kieran_Burns Posts: 9,757
    jeannot18 wrote:
    of course you are cut out for it, it is just bad luck and falls happens in cycling, just look at the pros, they still fall when they race. I would practice releasing your cleat stationery on the bike. Do it 100 times each side until it becomes "second nature".
    I had a major stack a few back while mountain biking, I was on my own and it happened right in the middle of the forest with nobody around. Luckily enough did not break anything, fat lip and slight concussion with some headache, could have been worse (I thought I broke my front teeth for a minute as landing on your face is not a good idea :D )
    Learn from the mistake, and go out again. With time you will put this incident behind you and heal well.

    The important question is: did it make a noise?
    Chunky Cyclists need your love too! :-)
    2009 Specialized Tricross Sport
    2011 Trek Madone 4.5
    2012 Felt F65X
    Proud CX Pervert and quiet roadie. 12 mile commuter
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    Stephent wrote:
    5 weeks later got back out and did 16 miles today, arm a bit achey but great to be back in the saddle.

    However, I did bottle it to clip in and was prob overly cautious but sure it'll be fine in time.

    Hopefully I can now build up some good fitness over the next 3/4 months.

    Have you been practising clipping in and out whilst you've been laid up?

    Clipping in is good - but not essential for riding - I didn't bother for the first year with my first bike. Confidence does take a knock and being cautious can be a good thing ... :)
  • Stephent
    Stephent Posts: 27
    Nope.........stupid I know. I will now I'm back at it.

    I did notice the difference today on hills when not clipped.....was all over the place, whereas clipped in can get a steady rhythm going.

    Will be back out Saturday so will practice then.
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    Glad to hear you are back out. Take it easy and build those miles up steadily; it is just too easy to overdo it and end up with a stupid injury which could have been avoided.
  • ManOfKent
    ManOfKent Posts: 392
    47p2 wrote:
    Nursing a fractured vertebrae right now, (not cycling related) told 6-8 weeks for recovery.

    I hope you're now pretty close to riding again. Don't be surprised if you aren't though. I spoke to a woman recently whose husband had been hit by a car and had a variety of injuries, the most serious of which was fractured vertebrae. The doctors had told him 6-8 weeks, to keep his spirits up, and his family 6-8 months. A friend of mine still isn't riding properly more than two years after a fractured vertebra. So it can be a long process and improvement is often two steps forward, one or two back.
  • Stephent
    Stephent Posts: 27
    Maybe time to chuck it before I've started... Ride 4 after broken arm recovery and now had crash with a van.....arm n legs cut up and think I've cracked a few ribs. Thank God for Giro helmet,saved a whole lot more pain or worse.

    Don't know if my confidence will recover from this.
  • Colinthecop
    Colinthecop Posts: 996
    How did this one happen...?
  • 47p2
    47p2 Posts: 329
    ManOfKent wrote:
    47p2 wrote:
    Nursing a fractured vertebrae right now, (not cycling related) told 6-8 weeks for recovery.

    I hope you're now pretty close to riding again. Don't be surprised if you aren't though. I spoke to a woman recently whose husband had been hit by a car and had a variety of injuries, the most serious of which was fractured vertebrae. The doctors had told him 6-8 weeks, to keep his spirits up, and his family 6-8 months. A friend of mine still isn't riding properly more than two years after a fractured vertebra. So it can be a long process and improvement is often two steps forward, one or two back.

    Yes indeed a longer slower progress than I was told, now going into my 9th week and still the pain is there albeit at least I can at least sleep on my side now which makes a big difference. Not only is there pain to contend with which incidentally is never in the same place two days in a row, but I often feel nauseous into the bargain and deep breathing presses the wrong buttons on my spine, so strenuous workouts are not going to happen. Apparently when the vertebrae fractures the spine compresses and nerves are touching which causes my symptoms, whether it clears up completely or not is debatable and each individual suffering this painful condition has apparently a different outcome...Only time will tell.

    The good news is I have managed to get a few miles cycling in over the past couple of weeks, nothing fancy and only short gentle rides, but it's a start and keeps the legs turning even if the cardiovascular is being curtailed.

    Last week I was on the Isle of Bute with SWMBO, mother-in-law, daughter and Freida my granddaughter who is now 3½ years old. I didn't do much cycling as I'm still in a fair amount of pain but on the good days I did manage to get a few miles in. Daughter took her husbands hybrid bike and a kiddy trailer so I decided that Freida and I would go up The Serpentine in Rothesay to try it out.

    The Serpentine is a well known hill climb on the island and a tough test for even the best of cyclists so attempting it with my injury and whilst pulling a trailer with a 3½ years old child was a bit of a massive challenge for me, but with the low gears on the hybrid I stood a good chance of getting to the top. The road has some 13 hairpin bends and the straight sections between the bends are short so it is impossible to get any momentum up between bends. I decided early on to drop into the lowest gear and just churn away at the pedals and we reached the top. On the descent we stopped about half way down for a photo whilst Freida ate her yoghurt, I guess she had an appetite watching me haul her up the hill



    I checked Strava and even with my injury and a trailer in tow I was not the slowest to climb this route.
  • 47p2
    47p2 Posts: 329
    Stephent wrote:
    Maybe time to chuck it before I've started... Ride 4 after broken arm recovery and now had crash with a van.....arm n legs cut up and think I've cracked a few ribs. Thank God for Giro helmet,saved a whole lot more pain or worse.

    Don't know if my confidence will recover from this.

    That's not good news, cracked ribs are bloomin painful and another 4-5 weeks of no cycling until you recover enough
  • Stephent
    Stephent Posts: 27
    Good news no cracks fractures or breaks.

    Was riding down a steep hill to a cross, passed through lights ok and ahead saw a van parked up on left maybe 100 yards away, no brake lights or indicators on, I got to within 20-30 yards n driver decides to a full turn to opposite lane,right in front of me, I hit brakes n went down on left side to avoid hitting him full on.

    I got a real fright and thought it was all over for me n cycling but on reflection that's not case. I dont think it was my fault, well it defo wasn't, so maybe overreaction re quiting.

    Not been a good start on the road bike tho.
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    Indeed not but hopefully thats your quota! Just be careful...
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    A mate once badly broke his foot stepping off a kerb. Life has risks so enjoy it while you can. Might be worth buying a turbo though, eh, so you can set it up whilst you still can :wink:
  • ManOfKent
    ManOfKent Posts: 392
    47p2 wrote:
    ManOfKent wrote:
    47p2 wrote:
    Nursing a fractured vertebrae right now, (not cycling related) told 6-8 weeks for recovery.

    I hope you're now pretty close to riding again. Don't be surprised if you aren't though. I spoke to a woman recently whose husband had been hit by a car and had a variety of injuries, the most serious of which was fractured vertebrae. The doctors had told him 6-8 weeks, to keep his spirits up, and his family 6-8 months. A friend of mine still isn't riding properly more than two years after a fractured vertebra. So it can be a long process and improvement is often two steps forward, one or two back.

    Yes indeed a longer slower progress than I was told, now going into my 9th week and still the pain is there albeit at least I can at least sleep on my side now which makes a big difference. Not only is there pain to contend with which incidentally is never in the same place two days in a row, but I often feel nauseous into the bargain and deep breathing presses the wrong buttons on my spine, so strenuous workouts are not going to happen. Apparently when the vertebrae fractures the spine compresses and nerves are touching which causes my symptoms, whether it clears up completely or not is debatable and each individual suffering this painful condition has apparently a different outcome...Only time will tell.

    The friend I referred to has just been to see a different specialist and was told a second vertebra is fractured - previously undiagnosed from the accident which happened in March 2012. The MRI scan also showed the muscles in that area of the spine have become dormant and others are compensating, causing referred pain; and the disc between the two damaged vertebrae is displaced for good measure. All this from a heavy landing. I knew the back was a complex part of the body but even I was surprised how much damage can be done and how difficult it can be to find and fix the root causes of pain.

    To the OP, try to learn something from every accident, whether it's preventative or in the way you react. And don't be put off riding.
  • Miles253
    Miles253 Posts: 535
    keef66 wrote:
    just bad luck I'm afraid. I've fallen off a variety of bikes on numerous occasions and never broken anything. Lost a fair bit of skin, but no breaks.

    Try to get back on the thing as soon as you're allowed; don't let it dent your confidence.

    This. The longer you spend off the bike, the more excuses you make to not get back on, its a bad way to go.
    Canyon Roadlite AL-Shamal Wheels-Centaur/Veloce Group
    Canyon Ult CF SL- Spin Koppenberg-Ultegra group
  • fudgey
    fudgey Posts: 854
    Try not to let it put you off, its just like riding a bike.. If you fall off, you get up and carry on...

    Back in feb 2012 i had a 'slight' off of my mtb. Riding a route with a couple of mates i had never rode before, on a long decent when while just rolling i overtook the other two and waved the middle finger at them as i went past.

    Unknown to me there was a slight right hand kink, then a 90 degree right hander. I thought it went down, then up....

    My mate said he was doing over 40 when i went past, apparently they were shouting at me there was a corner, i of course with the wind in my ears etc couldnt hear...

    When i saw the corner i braked, locked the rear wheel and got into a right tank slapper. Got off the brake, got the bike straight but by this point i was at the corner. The road was some little used lane near brimpsfield or something in glos, was damp and mossy etc.

    Anyway i was doing around 30 at a guess, tried to take the corner and the bike just went like it was on ice, i may have touched the brakes again, i cant remember.
    I went down on my right side, hit the road with my knee, hands and chin and rolled over. My left foot came out the spd, my right foot didnt and as i rolled the bike was still attached.

    One ambulance later i was carted off to glos hospital to have my knee and face stitched up. The two female paramedics got me to hobble to the ambulance and said that as i can put a bit of weight on it its probably just sprained.

    Well it wasnt, broken in 2 places. Trimalleolar webber b fracture on the right ankle.

    I was in a cast for 7 weeks, had to walk with a boot and crutches for a month after that, and its still not 100% now. But does the job. Not sure if i broke my wrist too, as trying to use crutches was very painful.

    I had pretty much 2012 off, done a few rides last year but have really got into it this year and bought my first road bike 2 months ago. Hit 52.3mph on sunday according to strava, got a bit worried at one point ha.

    My advice, dont let it put you off. I lost all confidence in my mtb and my riding ability but i have done a couple of off road events this year and you soon get back into the swing of it.
    My winter bike is exactly the same as my summer bike,,, but dirty...