Campagnolo centaur chainring hidden bolt

Anvar.p25 Posts: 13
edited May 2014 in Workshop
Hi all,

Seeking some help as well as trying to find out about your experience.

I have following problem. The hidden bolt ( which holds the crank arm and chainring) has fallen off. I know some of you might think it's not an overnight process but in my defence that particular bolt has some plastic pin in it which restricts it form tightening. The chainrset is about five month old and I covered about 300 miles maybe a little more. Is it normal for Torqued up and thread locked bolt to fall of like this? More importantly the online shop I bought it from supplied me with pre dispatch note which says that all the components on the bike were checked before it was sent to me. The question now is if that plastic pin was inside the bolt when I got it, could the online shop actually checked it whiteout it been removed?
The mechanic who put the bolt back couldn't reinsert that plastic thingy back in so in my opinion online shop is lying in saying that the bolt tightness was checked!

Had anyone had similar experience with Campagnolo chainring bolts falling out so soon?

Many thanks


  • tilesey
    tilesey Posts: 14
    As it worked its way out, mine started hitting the chain catcher - a nice early warning of impending doom. But yes, they do work themselves free in time.
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    The chainset is provided as a complete assembly. I'm not sure I'd count on the shop checking the bolts on a complete sub assembly. If they did that, for consistency, they'd be having to check all parts of the mech assemblies, that the shifter mechs etc were all correctly assembled etc etc. There has to be some presumption that the components are correctly assembled but occasionally maybe a duff one gets through. I would expect that the components were checked in terms of their function on the assembled bike however. It all really comes down to what the definition of 'checked' is in this case.

    Anyway, I don't understand what the problem is - if the mechanic has fixed it then surely there is no problem!
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