SRAM I-Motion 3 Speed Hub Spontaneously Combusted!

oli_dv Posts: 2
edited May 2014 in Workshop
Hi guys, I ride a Cannondale Bad Boy Lefty with a 3 speed hub, that suddenly gave way whilst I was riding it the other day. Luckily I escaped with just a few scratches, but I am now faced with the problem of fixing my bike and don't know much about these hubs...I was hoping someone on here with a bit more knowledge might be able to help out?

Here's an image of the hub in it's broken state:

The wheel is now very loose on the axels so I've not built my hopes up :(
If anyone can tell from the photo whether there is a way to fix it without buying a whole new wheel, I would really appreciate the help.


  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Hard to tell from the photos - either the bearings have collapsed or more seriously the hub shifter mechanism is bust - either way, parts are readily available and suggest you visit your LBS for options. Worst case is a new hub, wheel rebuild.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..