Decathlon Ant+ Speed/Cadence Sensor

evil_breakfast Posts: 487
edited May 2014 in Road buying advice
My Garmin GSC-10 unit has been somewhat tempremental of late, and now the speed arm sensor has given up the ghost.
I'm wondering if I should just buy a new GSC-10 (as the unit is way out of warranty) or perhaps the following at roughly half the price. ... 81211.html

Anyone out there using, or have experience, of one of these?
You're the light wiping out my batteries; You're the cream in my airport coffee's.


  • brearley
    brearley Posts: 165
    yep use mine with no problems at all.
    Only issues I've had was the original I bought had a duff battery, I changed the battery and it killed that in two weeks.
    eventually brought it back, had it replaced with a new unit no worries since. You can use either the rubber straps supplied or tie wraps.
  • richk
    richk Posts: 564
    got one too. works fine. :)
    There is no secret ingredient...
  • stumpmagnet
    stumpmagnet Posts: 88
    hi, would this work with an iphone sorry but im not that up my tech :lol:
  • DiscoBoy
    DiscoBoy Posts: 905
    Mine works well with my garmin 500.
    hi, would this work with an iphone sorry but im not that up my tech :lol:

    No. You'd need a bluetooth sensor.
    Red bikes are the fastest.
  • deswahriff
    deswahriff Posts: 310
    edited May 2014 the same one branded as fine so far after 4 weeks, maybe just a hint of transmission delay compared to the GSC10, only really noticeable when starting, the RPM seems to take a sec or 2 longer to show. ....maybe not the most elegant design, but I can live with that.... I also double secured it with black insulation tape (matt black frame so all looks good enough)... I didn't use the crank magnet supplied but instead an aftermarket one off ebay about the size of a 5p that sits nicely on the inside end of the pedal spindle...

    ..oh, and I use the Edge 500...
  • wongataa
    wongataa Posts: 1,001
    I use one. Not had any issues.