CO2 inflators



  • veterangaz
    veterangaz Posts: 79
    Why buy cheap stuff on fleabay when it's easy to find the proper canisters from businesses that specialise in exactly that product that are as cheap?

    Probably because I didn't know about them! Thanks for the link. Some 'shops' on Ebay make you think they are a real business though, simply by having (excuse the pun) inflated positive feedback from half decent products that hide the terrible feedback for certain items, like canisters in my case.
  • NewTTer
    NewTTer Posts: 463
    NewTTer wrote:
    NewTTer wrote:
    It wasn't clear what you meant go back and re read your post! And from your comments it's sounds as if you had either a faulty inflator, or it was operator error, judging by your outburst probably the latter.
    This isn't even new tech for inflating tyres us motorcyclists have been using them for years, thus dampening your attempt at covering your earlier faux pas

    Sorry for not realising a bicycle is the same as a motorbike.

    Outburst? I think it was you up in arms and hounding me. Grow up.

    I love responses like this, a sure fire way of proving I am right, thanks. I guess he finally got round to all my posts on the thread and realised how wrong he was.

    Go on then mastermind please explain why on earth it would make any difference as to what vehicle the tyre being inflated was on, as to the age of the tech! answer none whatsoever ergo my earlier yawn as you cannot legislate for pure stupidity!
  • Crimmey
    Crimmey Posts: 207
    Hmmm I had two inflaters 'break' on me and just assumed the seals had gone. They screwed in ok but co2 escapes from join. I had used them both about 10-15 ( different makes) times each using cheap ebay cannisters. They are brilliant when they worked but haven't touched one since. Would love to know if it is the cheapo cartridges causing the problems. I think some co2 pump manufacturers sell spare seals that's why I thought they were 'disposable' bits.
  • mattsccm
    mattsccm Posts: 409
    I suspect that different people have decent views of recent. I have been using Co2 cartridges on motorcycle tyre for at least 30 years. I wouldn't have dreamed of using them on a cycle because of the cost but could have and people did. To me that's recent but to the modern person its ancient. I carry 1 cartridge with 1 tube. If more than 1 tube, say on a long day out into the wilderness I'll add a 2nd tube but not a cartridge as there isn't room. the frame fit pump goes on then.
    Never had a cartridge fail even in the old days when there was no valve on the adaptor and you screwed a tube to the inner tube valve and then the cartridge until it pierced.