Shimano cassette customization - opinions?

Steve236 Posts: 212
edited May 2014 in Workshop
I've been running a compact double with a 11-32 cassette that came with the bike and would find myself shifting up and down the middle 3 cogs a lot (17-19-21) for general rolling terrain and in windy conditions but always felt like I could do with more options below 17 for the flat and on still days etc. So I decided to change to a 12-27 as although the 32 was nice it always felt like I could manage without it. Anyway, I'm finding that having 1 tooth shifts between 14 and 17 is very nice but my 17-19-21 cogs are further up the cassette now and lead to a lot of cross chaining when I need them. I'm shifting between big and small rings more which kind of defeats the object of the initial switch.

So I was thinking of substituting the 13T for a 20T so instead of 12-13-14-15-16-17-19-21-24-27 I'd have 12-14-15-16-17-19-20-21-24-27. This would give me another cog down the cassette and move the rest down a cog too so less cross chaining and shifting to the small ring.

My questions are then - would the 12 to 14T jump feel too big without the 13T and would a 1 tooth shift between 19 and 20 be odd with 2 and 3 tooth shifts on either side?


  • curium
    curium Posts: 815
    No idea but post back if you do it to let us know how it works for you.

    I also have a 12-27 but paired with a triple 50-39-34 I find the triple allows me to move between the 50/39 rather than having to step through the cassette. I find this more convenient and so put up with the derogatory comments about triples. Perhaps a move to 11-spd will remedy this?
  • Steve236
    Steve236 Posts: 212
    Thanks. If your set up allows you to shift between your most used gears easily then it sounds sensible.
    With the 11-32 I spent nearly all my non-climbing time in the big ring but often couldn't quite find just the right gear (I like to spin at between 90 and 100rpm). Now with the 12-27, the right gear seems to be there but its often just at the point where the cross chain noise kicks in so I need to change more often at the front. The 34T small ring is used for a bit more than climbing now. Maybe another option would be a standard double with the 12-27 which would make the small ring more useful.
  • andrewc3142
    andrewc3142 Posts: 906
    the right gear seems to be there but its often just at the point where the cross chain noise kicks in so I need to change more often at the front

    Same, also running 12/27, after I swapped 53/39 for a 50/34 to give a tad more on the steeper hills.

    A mug of tea, a radio and patience fiddling with the FD will sort it.