Pay me you whores!

cat_with_no_tail Posts: 12,980
edited May 2014 in The Crudcatcher
This has also been posted in the roadie section where all my new mates can see it. But I thought I'd venture back into the zoo for a minute to re-post this in the hope some of my old cruddy buddys have just received thair pocket money or benefits or whatever and feel generous......

Warning - lycra-clad CWNT content. SFW, but probably enough to make you lose your lunch....

Firstly, if this sort of thing isn't allowed, I appreciate that and please feel free to remove.

I've gone and signed myself up for something of a challenge. The challenge in question is in aid of MCAC (Male Cancer Awareness Campaign) who aim to increase awareness and reduce embarrassment surrounding male cancers. I'm sure most of you already know that if a man lives long enough, he will eventually develop prostate cancer. Yet most men don't have regular checks, or even "self-check". MCAC want to change this, and I want to help them.

I will be riding as part of a group of around 15-20 and we'll be tackling some of the most challenging roads (well, pretty much all of them actually) the Isle of Man has to offer.

That's going to equate to 100 miles per day over the 3 day challenge, with a total of over 8,000m (26,000ft) of climbing. There is a reason the roads here are churning out pros at an alarming rate, they are BRUTAL!

However, we didn't feel that was......... enough. So to add to this, we're all going to be taking part dressed in out "Near Naked Man" Skinsuits. I'll attach a picture of mine below, but those of a sensitive disposition be warned, it is NOT a pretty sight!!!!

I would like to add that this isn't one of those "challenges" where people expect you to pay for them to go somewhere or do something exotic. It's the Isle of Man ffs; and I already live here. The start/finish point for each day is less than a mile from my house. AND I (and everyone else involved) had to pay for the "pleasure" of getting our seats. This is separate from any money we raise and covers food, support, the whole 9yds. Those travelling over to take part are arranging their own transport. Plus, the event is run directly by the charity, so there is no middleman.

Here comes the begging part. I would love to smash the £1,000 mark for this as I truly believe it's a massively worthwhile cause.
Please, dig deep and give whatever you can afford:

As promised.........

Small children please leave the room...................

Ladies, avert your gaze........




  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,673
    This explains the images on FB.

    I am surprised you are still alive.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    Would love the cycling garb but you can only earn it, not buy it. Wearing at work, waiting to clock out would great the p!$$ taken out of me big time but a very worthy cause.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 16,017
    Happy Birthday / anniversary.

    This link goes directly to the donation page, without having to log in.

    Good luck!
  • cat_with_no_tail
    cat_with_no_tail Posts: 12,980
    Cheers for that Ballysmate, I hadn't even noticed I'd put the wrong link in there. Changed now.

    A mate has promised to sponsor me £100 if I go down the beer tent on the prom one night during TT wearing my full getup. What he doesn't know is that I was planning on doing that anyway to raise more funds :D
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 16,017
    Bumped in case anyone missed it.
  • mak3m
    mak3m Posts: 1,394
    been a while and catching up on posts

    CWNT are you some kind of action man?????????

    It appears your genitals are missing :shock:

    dont worry im already questioning why i was looking for them :?