HT2 Tiagra Drive side

Redfred237 Posts: 42
edited May 2014 in Workshop
I seem to have an issue with the crank drive side on my Tiagra HT2. The usual story of strange creaking emitting from the bottom braket led to a strip down and clean / grease, then purchase of new BB before finally finding that that was not the issue.

The problem is that I am able to move the axle where it is pressed into the drive side crank arm. I have stripped everything down. A little annoyed as out of warranty. Not much info available through the usual Google channels as most threads cover loose non drive side arms.

I suspect that the crank is FUBAR, but before I consign it to the back of the shed - My question is this has any one managed to dismantle as in remove the drive side spider/arm from the axle? If so is it just a press / interference fit or is there a locking spring / clip inside to over come? I ask as I have a hydraulic press at work so if I can get the drive arm off I may be able to re assemble and press the spider back on with some locktight.

Constructive thoughts and comments welcome .



  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    It's f***'d I'm afraid - the stresses are quite high so any attempt at a repair is likely to temporary
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • Redfred237
    Redfred237 Posts: 42
    Thanks Monty, think you're spot on. :(
    Just to update and provide a little more info as there appears to be little that came up in searches. I took the crank to work and let the engineers set about it. First they tried to figure out how it was attached. It was quite loose but still would not come off. They suspected a spring clip inside along with a splined end. They removed a thin rubber seal at the base of the axle where it enter the crank spider. They applied a bit of locktight and attempted to press the axle into the spider using a hydraulic press. This was unsuccessful even at some scarily high pressures.

    Having now got a brand new Ultegra BB, any suggestions for replacement crankset that will be compatible, I think that any Shimano HT2 should be ok, as in 105 as an upgrade. Not sure on other brands matching the BB I have.
