rubbing front brakes

markiegrim Posts: 136
edited May 2014 in Road beginners
OK, so I replaced the cheap nasty pads that came with my Trek 1.5 with Swisstop green shoes/pads (was horrified by the amount of metal embedded in the old pads - only been used for about 200 miles!)

However, rubbing noise still coming from front wheel.

There is only a very slight wobble in the front wheel..could that be it? Last time I asked LBS to true the wheel, they said it was barely out. I don't think the shoes allow toing in and the pads look pretty level with rims/well spaced

So guess it can only be the wheel needing truing? Is perfection in wheel "trueness" an unrealistic expectation?



  • goonz
    goonz Posts: 3,106
    If you hold up the front end and spin the wheel can you see if the wheel moves while it spins and whether it hits a brake pad at any point? Or is it just that there is friction along the whole way so just doesnt spin freely at all?

    If its the former, the wheel sounds like its out of true. If its the latter it sounds like you need to open the caliper slightly. If you have shimano or sram they have a little lever you can use to open the caliper a little.

    Also check the caliper is aligned so the wheel sits right in the middle of the caliper.

    Also hold the wheel and move it left to right. If there is any play, that is likely from your hub and would require tightening.
    Scott Speedster S20 Roadie for Speed
    Specialized Hardrock MTB for Lumps
    Specialized Langster SS for Ease
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    n+1 is well and truly on track
  • markiegrim
    markiegrim Posts: 136
    thanks goonz, if it is the wheel trueness, its not so out that the pads touch when brakes not in use - wheel spins freely..with just the slightest of wobble. Just get the rubbing noise when apply brake. Otherwise, wheel sits right in centre of caliper and wheel runs freely
  • goonz
    goonz Posts: 3,106
    So noise only when applying brakes? Not really much you can do there then, although you may want to check the pads only touch the rim and not the tyre when engaged.

    May need to adjust the brake shoes slightly.
    Scott Speedster S20 Roadie for Speed
    Specialized Hardrock MTB for Lumps
    Specialized Langster SS for Ease
    Cinelli Mash Bolt Fixed for Pain
    n+1 is well and truly on track
  • JayKosta
    JayKosta Posts: 635
    Noise when stopping might go away after the pads have been used a while and 'mate' to the rims.
    A little 'toe in' is good if the calipers / shoes / pads allow it.

    A slight amount of side-to-side rim wobble is typical - rims are under quite a bit of stress. Yes they can be trued to be perfect ON THE STAND, but some wobble will appear after several rides due to vibration and bumps from the road.

    If the pad touches the rim without brake applied, then adjust the cable so the gap is a little wider - brakes will work just fine.

    Jay Kosta
    Endwell NY USA
  • markiegrim
    markiegrim Posts: 136
    Thanks all. Good advice but seems little I can do but wait for a while