Rollers advice

supercyril Posts: 201
edited April 2014 in Road buying advice
Always fancied a set of rollers but as I have a decent turbo I've never taken the plunge. However these(Elite Arion Parabolic Rollers) are on offer at wiggle and halfords for £120. Are they any good or are they going to give me a bad impression of what decent rollers are like?



  • bmxboy10
    bmxboy10 Posts: 1,958
    That's not a bad price but plastic rollers are not very good imo and these have the suggested benefit of the rollers being shaped to reduce the risk of falling off. Once you have ridden them I a few times you soon realise this is just a marketing gimmick.

    I would suggest you pay £30 more and get these as they are excellent (smooth, quiet and excellent build quality). I have the resistance version but from reading other peoples comments the non resistance version is equally as good. ... re-rollers
  • Sprool
    Sprool Posts: 1,022
    I got a set of Elite Arions last year and they have been a brilliant training aid over the winter, they were about £135 from Halfords. They are still going strong, no issues. No doubt there are smoother quieter ones out there but for me there is no justification for the extra cost, I'm perfectly happy with my red plastic ones.
  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    As above - nowt wrong with plastic rollers, or parabolic for that matter. 99% of the rollers I see trackside are the relatively inexpensive type like the Tacx Antares, or the Elites...
  • FatTed
    FatTed Posts: 1,205
    I have Tacx Galaxia, I prefer them to the Planet X ones. I would not splash money out on Rollers unless you have tried some first, borrow a set from a friend and see if you can get on with them, you may want a resistance unit for instance.
  • cswitch
    cswitch Posts: 261
    Kreitler rollers. I have the 2.5in ones with a wind resistance unit and I do everything on them (recovery to Vo2) bar 30sec all out type stuff - they probably would provide enough resistance but I'd likely end up on the floor! Expensive but very good quality. Most of the others I've borrowed / tried out have drums that are far too big offering very little resistance and soon max out on gears.