Bike Insurance- What is your experience?

Bikmo Posts: 2
edited October 2014 in Campaign
We're interested in hearing anyone's experience, positive or negative, with bike insurance? Was the level of cover adequate? Any problems with claims? Did you struggle to find a product which suited you? Hit us up here with any bike insurance thoughts or comments, alternatively email


  • bdu98252
    bdu98252 Posts: 171
    I looked at bike insurance for my trek madone. What I found was that a policy from one of the household providers that do not limit the value of the bike and require only it to be listed as a separate item over a set value were the best value. There is a reduced pool of insurers that do this however an additional 30-50 pounds in cost for a 3 grand bike versus hundreds of pounds in insurance for a specific policy with one of the specialist bike providers.

    When you look at what you can insure a car for which is worth 5 to 10 times as much as even an expensive bike and is quite likely to be damaged or cause significant damage to others then bike insurance is not really good value for money. I am guessing that the city bike theft figures are driving the high price for these policies.
  • Yeah i could do with getting some bike insurance, mainly for damage or being stolen i suppose.

    Anyone recommend a good insurer, included in the house insurance i guess.
  • gethinceri
    gethinceri Posts: 1,737
    Fiver a month on my household policy with Barclays, includes foreign travel.