Struggling re Headset Size

quarkrad Posts: 51
edited April 2014 in Workshop
I have a 2009 Raleigh Airlite 400 and need to replace the headset but I'm struggling to find out what size I need. Can anybody help - many thanks? (My problem is that when riding the bike occasionally the steering suddenly pulls to the right - not severe but off putting too say the least. I have checked the frame and forks and they seem OK. When I hold the front wheel up and slowly rotate the handlebars there is a particular stiff point during the rotation so I am wondering whether the headset needs replacing. I use this as my winter training bike mainly).


  • g00se
    g00se Posts: 2,221
    Best either contact a Raleigh retailer - or start taking it apart and take a few photos for us?
  • JayKosta
    JayKosta Posts: 635
    The headset bearings can become 'notchy' and give the feeling of 'clicking' into position when front wheel is off the ground. But I've not heard of a bike actually 'pull' while riding, except when 'no hands', or extremely light hand contact on the bars.

    If the headset uses 'cartridge bearings' , they usually have their 'industry size' markings on them.

    Jay Kosta
    Endwell NY USA
  • xcMuttley
    xcMuttley Posts: 434
    Use cane creek headset fit finder:
    Check out my blog for my views and reviews: