Save the Catford Hill Climb

Fixed Wheelnut
Fixed Wheelnut Posts: 2,267
edited April 2014 in Amateur race
Hi Everyone, Stubbs Wood where the Catford CC Hill Climb is held at the top of Yorks Hill is under threat of developement if KCC sell it off please help by spreading the word and signing the petition.

I just signed the petition "Save Stubbs Wood" and wanted to ask if you could add your name too.

This campaign means a lot to me and the more support we can get behind it, the better chance we have of succeeding. You can read more and sign the petition here:

Can you also take a moment to share the petition with others? It's really easy – all you need to do is forward this email or click these links:

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Thank you!


  • gllawson
    gllawson Posts: 1
    Thanks FW - I am a local resident and my husband and I take our two young boys every yr to watch and cheer on the hill climbers. If you or anyone else wishes to be informed of the latest develo[ment that we as a community are working on in opposing this sale / ensuring Stubbs Wood is retained for future public use, then please email me...
    Huge thanks for your support!! :)
  • Fixed Wheelnut
    Fixed Wheelnut Posts: 2,267
    Hi Gaynor, anything the club can do let us know, I'll contact you via email.

    Any idea why they want to sell it or is anyone in particular after it?, there was rumour of a Garden Centre a few years ago.

    Some body suggested the other day what are the options for a group of individuals to buy it and save it as it is?