Womens Road / Hybrid Bike: HELP?

sja88 Posts: 11
edited April 2014 in Road buying advice
I am looking for a bike for my fiance and could really do with you recomendations as I don't know where to start!!

Budget up to c.£600, she wants it as an all rounder, mainly for road use (so not too slow) but also ok on towpaths / gravel etc e.g. around Rutland water.

She is more keen on flat handlebars as she has not ridden a bike much for some years.

Can you please let me know any recomendations?

So far have been pointed towards the Pinnacle Neon Three & one of the Boardman bikes....

Many thanks,



  • arran77
    arran77 Posts: 9,260
    A hybrid does sound like the best bet for the usage you mention.

    As far as recommendations go, without wanting to be labeled sexist, I'd just get your fiance to pick one that she likes the look of, if she's not overly into her riding she possibly wouldn't notice a great deal of difference between different bikes :wink:

    This was the approach my wife took when she got her decent road bike and that was spending the best part of £2000, as it turned out the one she liked the look of also turned out to be the one with full Ultegra :lol:
    "Arran, you are like the Tony Benn of smut. You have never diluted your depravity and always stand by your beliefs. You have my respect sir and your wife my pity" :lol:

  • navrig2
    navrig2 Posts: 1,851
    You've got the main two things sorted: type of riding and budget.

    After that it is down to comfort and fit - front suspension or not and how does it feel. If she wants suspension make sure it locks so she has the option of not using it on the road. This is the route my wife took when sho gor her hybrid. Had she not chosen fron suspension I would have suggested a Boardman. She bought a Whyte Caledonia.

    After this it is looks. At £600 you wont get a lot of say on the components.