Noisy Rear Shock

Schellpel Posts: 119
edited April 2014 in MTB workshop & tech
I have as Rockshox MC3.1 rear shock that has run fine with some air can services for the last 8 years :lol:

I was adjusting the air pressure this week when I discovered that as well as making its usual squishing noise under compression its now making a lot more noise in the first 1/3 of its travel. It felt awful when I was pushing down on the frame, like something grating together. I have taken it off checked the suspension bearings which were ok. I checked the air can, clean as a whistle and then cycled the damper. For the first third of it travel it felt "gritty" making gurgling noises and then goes back to normal for the rest of the travel. Cycle it a few times and its fine, but leave it alone for a while and it does it again.

Is it dying ? I went for a ride today and it seemed to perform like normal