Garmin Fenix 2 for Cycling

buckmulligan Posts: 1,031
edited October 2015 in Road buying advice
As a cyclist, aspiring runner and casual swimmer, I'm looking at getting the Garmin Fenix 2 for training.

I know it's certainly aimed more at the running and swimming crowds, but has anyone used one (or its predecessor) for cycling and how have you got on? I don't mind cycling with a watch (have used my Garmin Forerunner on occasions) but I suspect that not having a screen right in front of me is going to mean I don't pay as much attention as I should to the data it will be giving me (HR, cadence etc).

I like the idea of one device for all activities, but would I be better of with an Edge computer, stick with my basic Forerunner 110 for running and just stuff the swimming.


  • loismustdie
    loismustdie Posts: 127
    I have a Fenix 2 on order (should arrive today). I've got it for running/swimming and use an 800 on the bike. I'll post back when I've been on a few rides with the Fenix.
  • ai_1
    ai_1 Posts: 3,060
    I use the Forerunner 910XT which is the current Garmin triathlon watch. I use it with the quick connect system so it can be removed from the wrist-strap and mounted on a Barfly mount in seconds.
    I was interested to see the Fenix 2 now has most if not all of the same functions as the 910XT and it can be sensibly used as an everyday watch. However the 910XT is probably better for bike use. I expect the screen is a bit easier to fit data on and you can use the standard quarter turn mounts or the Garmin and Barfly out front mounts (SRAM and some other out front mounts won't work as the bayonet fitting is at 90 degrees to the Edge computers - Garmin and Barfly allow for this). You could just wrap the strap of the Fenix around the bars. Garmin sell a rubber adaptor to increase the bar diameter for doing this or you can just wrap a piece of pipe insulation around the bars with some electrical tape and do it that way.

    If you haven't already I'd recommend checking out dcrainmaker's review here. ... sport.html
    I haven't read this one in full one but his reviews are always superb and incredibly detailed. He includes an entire section on using the Fenix 2 for cycling. The only negative he seems to mention is as follows:

    "Finally, it should be noted that the singular omission from the Fenix2 is the lack of bike profiles. Meaning, you can’t have a road bike and a triathlon bike. You’d have to re-pair the sensors for each one individually. And unfortunately, there isn’t any mechanism to manually enter in the ANT+ ID’s like other Garmin Edge/Forerunner units. So you’ll have to ensure no other cyclists are around when you make the switch and re-search for sensors."
  • loismustdie
    loismustdie Posts: 127
    So have been out a few times now with the Fenix 2 alongside my Edge 800.

    The Fenix is great, if I was mainly a runner/swimmer with some cycling thrown in it's really good, recording all the info you need with wireless uploading. Screen size is OK, you can have three fields of info on display (althoughI like to have at least four HR/Speed/Power/Cadence). It also looks good as a daily watch (I think!). I used the Polar watch mount: ... t-ec005675

    If you're a pure cyclist, the Fenix isn't anywhere near as good as the 800, obviously navigation is better on the 800 and you can display 10 info fields per screen. That said, now I have the Fenix, if my 800 failed I wouldn't be fussed about being without it for a couple of weeks. Main issue as mentioned above is lack of multiple bike profiles. Now the Fenix does power more cyclists will use it and I'm thinking that may get fixed in a firmware update.

    I'm not sure that's much help...I guess it comes down to how much time you spend on each activity. I'd say get both :wink:
  • buckmulligan
    buckmulligan Posts: 1,031
    Thanks for the input, much the same as I currently experience using my Forerunner on the bike then I guess, with a bit of added functionality.

    I think I'll give it another couple of weeks for the Fenix 2 to get into some shops over here and then reconsider. I'd certainly like to have both but don't fancy forking out over £500! Maybe I'll have won the lottery by then...
  • ai_1
    ai_1 Posts: 3,060
    Thanks for the input, much the same as I currently experience using my Forerunner on the bike then I guess, with a bit of added functionality.

    I think I'll give it another couple of weeks for the Fenix 2 to get into some shops over here and then reconsider. I'd certainly like to have both but don't fancy forking out over £500! Maybe I'll have won the lottery by then...
    Definitely consider the 910XT as well. Pretty similar functionslity to the Fenix 2 except for the more ultra wilderness targeted stuff. 4 data fields on the screen, multiple bike profiles are supported and it's easily bike mountable. Plus it's a bit cheaper. Only downside is it's not ideal as a day to day watch.
  • Hi .
    I'm after some advice , I've just bought my 1st garmin the fenix2 . The heart rate won't start when setting start , it comes up Bluetooth enabled , ANT disabled then ok at bottom screen . Keeps coming up this each time I try .
    I m probably doing something wrong ??

  • Yep. Turn Bluetooth off. It can do one or the other, not both simultaneously, and can only handle ANT+ heart rate monitor