Replacing a Gear Cable - Rookie Mistake!

Wardster00 Posts: 143
edited March 2014 in Workshop

It's my first time replacing my gear cables and I have stupidly cut the cable before moving the shifter to the smallest cog. I now can't get to the cable hook to take the cable out of the shifter. Can anybody tell me how to get the shifter into a position for me to un-hook the cable?



  • If you want to change the cable for a longer one then you'll need to shift to the highest gear on your right hand shifter, release the cable clamp and then use the cable itself to push the nipple out of the lever housing.
  • If you're having trouble with the shifter make sure there is tension on the cable when shifting up, otherwise the operation of the shifter should allow the internals to move to the point where the cable will come out when the lever is pulled.
  • Wardster00
    Wardster00 Posts: 143
    Thanks so much. It was an issue with not enough tension on the cable.