Sport Relief Ride on Sunday

tetley10 Posts: 693
edited March 2014 in Road general
Anybody doing the sport relief 50 on Sunday?


  • wrayste
    wrayste Posts: 23
    Yep and looking forward to it, more so now the route for the Ride London 100 has been made official.

    I'm now just hoping the weather holds, shame it wasn't last weekend or the weekend before!
  • tetley10
    tetley10 Posts: 693
    I'm off at 7:30, so fingers crossed will be done if the weather turns.
  • rider25
    rider25 Posts: 72
    Yep, 8am start on the 50-mile Manchester ride from Old Trafford. Has anyone found a more detailed route map, as opposed to just...? ... 013_V2.pdf
  • Doing the 50 mile in London with my partner; setting off at 08:15.
  • tetley10
    tetley10 Posts: 693
    First big group ride. Really enjoyed it. Well organised and half decent weather.