Matt finish protection yea or nay?

jspash Posts: 107
edited April 2014 in Workshop
I've just taken possession of a beautiful Planet X RT-57 which has a matt black finish. I've always owned bikes that have a "shiny" laquered finish and know how much damage they can take when it comes to rocks and road debris. Anyhow, you can always spend an hour buffing out the scratches with car polish before you sell it, and it looks good as new.

So what is there to know about maintaining this new fangled matt paint? I know lots of people who will say "just ride the thing", but that's not me. I'm the guy who buys toothbrushes for the sole purpose of cleaning under the saddle. I wish I could ride a grime bucket around town and be proud of it. Being a weight weenie is too expensive an obsession. Being a clean freak suits my budget.

I put some frame protection stickers on my last bike that 1) turned yellow 2) attracted oil 3) refused to be cleaned/whitened 4) refused to be removed without taking a layer of laquer with them. So that's out.

So my questions are:
- Is helicopter tape better/worse/same as the overpriced stuff that evan's sells?
- How well does a matt finish hold up on a winter bike? (this isn't my winter bike, btw)
- What do you do, if anything, to protect your frame?


  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    I got a matt finish CR1-SL last year. Apart from some clear stickers* on the head tube to prevent cable rub I just ride it as it is and occasionally wash it. It doesn't go out if the weather's bad though; I have a wet weather bike with full mudguards (and shiny paint) for that.

    *they came in the box with the frameset.
  • k-dog
    k-dog Posts: 1,652
    I like the rubber cable protectors that go on the cables rather than the frame - look neater and don't rub on the frame (it sort of holds the cable in place by being slightly grippy) so you don't get shiny spots. You've got to undo the cables to get them on but once their they stay a long time.
    I'm left handed, if that matters.
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    Matt finish is a waste of space for a winter bike. A pain to keep clean and you can't polish any marks out of it. I have a matt black CR1 and the plan is to get it gloss lacquered before I built it up. I suspect it will look about 10 times better for the lacquer too (it looks pretty cheap and crappy as it is though it wouldn't look so bad built up).

    I doubt you need to worry about yellowing heli tape on a matt black frame!

    Not convinced about those rubber cable protectors. They are still rubbing on the frame and once you get dust/grit on them they'll start abrading the frame as though they weren't there.
    Faster than a tent.......
  • g00se
    g00se Posts: 2,221
    Rolf F wrote:
    Matt finish is a waste of space for a winter bike. A pain to keep clean and you can't polish any marks out of it. I have a matt black CR1 and the plan is to get it gloss lacquered before I built it up. I suspect it will look about 10 times better for the lacquer too (it looks pretty cheap and crappy as it is though it wouldn't look so bad built up).

    I've been reading posts about using Morgan Blue carbon polish on Matt frames to get a 'satin' finish that makes it easier to clean and polish up. Might be worth considering?
  • Bozman
    Bozman Posts: 2,518
    I've used a matt black cr1 for most of the winter and they clean up like new with hot soapy water, it's just the headset and BB that are shite, both have suffered from water ingress.
    On the other hand I used a Focus Izalco last winter and that had matt red on the frame, that was a ba5tard to get clean.

    I use a couple of frame protector patches on the head tube to stop cable rub.
  • Velonutter
    Velonutter Posts: 2,437
    I apply Maguires polish to my Matt frames and then the dirt just washes off afterwards.
  • DKay
    DKay Posts: 1,652
    Velonutter wrote:
    I apply Maguires polish to my Matt frames and then the dirt just washes off afterwards.

    I use Collinite 476S wax. Do NOT use a polishing product on a matt frame, as it will contain cutting compounds that will leave your matt finish looking shiny, permanently.
  • g00se
    g00se Posts: 2,221
    Just seen an ad for a new matt carbon finish cleaner and protector. No idea if it's any good - Red Ant: ... 40/facets/ ... eview.html
  • DKay
    DKay Posts: 1,652
    They might as well have called it Snake Oil.
  • I have a Matt black bike and rode it all winter. Still looks like new.

    If it gets dirty I wash it with hot water and Aldi caravan cleaner then let it dry indoors.
    I wipe the frame with sainsburys basic household wipes. They remove grease but do not polish.

    I really recommend 3m helicopter tape. The trick is to wipe the area where you are going to stick it with meths first. Then apply it and heat it gently with a fair dryer. This makes it more flexible and softens the glue a bit so you can smooth it around the profile.

    Bike hut sell some nice carbon looking anti chafe patches that work well too, but not as good as helicopter tape.

    No need for fancy polishing.
  • Velonutter
    Velonutter Posts: 2,437
    DKay wrote:
    Velonutter wrote:
    I apply Maguires polish to my Matt frames and then the dirt just washes off afterwards.

    I use Collinite 476S wax. Do NOT use a polishing product on a matt frame, as it will contain cutting compounds that will leave your matt finish looking shiny, permanently.

    Cheers, where do you get that from?

    I quite like the Satin finish that it leaves on my M10, wish they would produce a Satin finish.
  • markyone
    markyone Posts: 1,119
    When I had my matt black frame I used heli tape to protect the areas of cable rub,and waxed it regular.
    Colnago c60 Eps super record 11
    Pinarello F8 with sram etap
  • DKay
    DKay Posts: 1,652
    Velonutter wrote:
    DKay wrote:
    Velonutter wrote:
    I apply Maguires polish to my Matt frames and then the dirt just washes off afterwards.

    I use Collinite 476S wax. Do NOT use a polishing product on a matt frame, as it will contain cutting compounds that will leave your matt finish looking shiny, permanently.

    Cheers, where do you get that from?

    I quite like the Satin finish that it leaves on my M10, wish they would produce a Satin finish.

    Here you go: ... d_207.html

    It's tremendous stuff.
  • mitchgixer6
    mitchgixer6 Posts: 729
    Surely if this stuff is just a wax that leaves a 'clear wet finish' then is it not just the same as most other waxes? Appreciate it might last a bit longer hence the higher price but would a normal priced wax not be just as effective?
  • thegreatdivide
    thegreatdivide Posts: 5,807
    markyone wrote:
    When I had my matt black frame I used heli tape to protect the areas of cable rub,and waxed it regular.

    And it still looks amazing ;-)
  • DKay
    DKay Posts: 1,652
    Surely if this stuff is just a wax that leaves a 'clear wet finish' then is it not just the same as most other waxes? Appreciate it might last a bit longer hence the higher price but would a normal priced wax not be just as effective?

    No, it doesn't leave a wet look at all. In fact, any pure wax will not leave a matt finish with a wet look. The thing that gives a wet look is a smooth polished surface. You then apply the wax to provide protection to the polished surface from contaminants. Wax is different from sealants and glazes.

    Another wax would be fine to use, but the Collinite just lasts forever. Two coats and the protection will last for a year at least, including regular washing. I also use it on my car and the same tin has lasted me years, so I get good value out of it.
  • mitchgixer6
    mitchgixer6 Posts: 729
    Cool thanks for the info. Might just splash out on the good stuff then as it should last a while.