Previously in Road General...

johngti Posts: 2,508
edited March 2014 in Commuting chat
Anyone willing and able to help me rack up some miles in April?

Background is that I teach in a school in SE London and I'm a tutor in year 10. Last summer my mum had a proper full on cancer scare - Ovarian type - which is horribly under diagnosed due to it being really hard to spot in the early stages. I spoke to mum about sharing it with my tutor group (its an all girls school) to start raising awareness etc and she agreed it'd be good to do this. They reacted beautifully - got her a card that they all signed and presented to me one day. They also decided that they'd like to do some fund raising for a charity and since I cycle, we agreed that the group committing to travel at least 2500 miles under their own steam during April would be a good thing to aim at (they're typical teenagers i.e. not much physical activity taking place). As part of that, I said I'd do 500 miles during April. This is a lot for me - my commute is ~17 miles a day so obviously I can add a bit on to take it up to 20 but the most I've done in a month before is about 250 miles.

But we're on Easter break for the first two weeks of April so I'll need to build some mileage while I'm off. Is there anyone in SE London/Kent who wouldn't mind joining me for a few longer rides? I enjoy riding (obviously) but find it less fun when I'm traipsing around on my own for hours and hours. Just wondering is all!



  • Jrf85
    Jrf85 Posts: 15
    I live on the boarders of SE london and kent due to work I can only really commit to Sundays.
    Where abouts do you live ?
  • johngti
    johngti Posts: 2,508
    Dartford so probably not too far away!
  • Jrf85
    Jrf85 Posts: 15
    No it's, not I live in belverdere and I wouldn't mind going on some longer rides with you as I also need to get some in and find it difficult to get the motivation if I'm by myself
  • johngti
    johngti Posts: 2,508
    Sent you an email as pm doesn't seem to work :)
  • tetley10
    tetley10 Posts: 693
    Dartford as well so I could help out.
  • johngti
    johngti Posts: 2,508
    Excellent! Planning a ride next Sunday if you're free - pm me your number if you're up for it!
  • tetley10
    tetley10 Posts: 693
    Can't do next Sunday as I'm doing sport relief. Good weekends after that.
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,692
    Not in your area, but good luck with it.
  • bigmonka
    bigmonka Posts: 361
    Good luck to you and your students. A friend lost her Mum to Ovarian cancer last year, so we've done a fund/awareness raiser too - good cause.
  • johngti
    johngti Posts: 2,508
    Jrf85 wrote:
    No it's, not I live in belverdere and I wouldn't mind going on some longer rides with you as I also need to get some in and find it difficult to get the motivation if I'm by myself

    A good 33 miles with 2000 feet of climbing done - really enjoyed it john and thanks :)

    Same again in a fortnight!
  • tetley10
    tetley10 Posts: 693
    I'm in for a fortnight time.
  • johngti
    johngti Posts: 2,508
    Tetley10 wrote:
    I'm in for a fortnight time.

    Excellent! Hope there's less of a headwind for that one. It was brutal at times this morning!
  • tetley10
    tetley10 Posts: 693
    Where did you manage to get to?
  • johngti
    johngti Posts: 2,508
    Birchwood road (which always seems harder than it should!), across the lanes to cudham lane then back via knockholt, shoreham, Eynsford and Horton Kirby. Wind was at its worse on the return leg. A nice run otherwise, easy to extend to around 50 miles by heading up knatts valley from Eynsford and then taking the scenic route from Horton Kirby.

    Maybe as fitness improves I'll include the dreaded row Dow!
  • tetley10
    tetley10 Posts: 693
    What's the row Dow? That's my usual neck of the woods but ~I dont know that one.
  • johngti
    johngti Posts: 2,508
    Tetley10 wrote:
    What's the row Dow? That's my usual neck of the woods but ~I dont know that one.

    Row Dow lane/hill, near Otford. Nasty climb - not amazingly long but very steep. I've tried it 3 times (admittedly a year ago) and had to do the walk of shame every time. But who knows, an extra year of cycling might have made a difference...

    It's one of those hills that I know I want to go back to, just to test myself, but I also want to avoid it like the plague because of the memory of failing there.
  • tetley10
    tetley10 Posts: 693
    I know it. Came down it the other day. Went up Fackendene which is the one off the main road from Eynsford to Otford.
  • johngti
    johngti Posts: 2,508
    Looks like Fackenden has a nice little gradient too!
  • tetley10
    tetley10 Posts: 693
    Yeah it's okay. I out it off for ages before I attempted it. I don't think it would be as bad as RowDow.
  • tetley10
    tetley10 Posts: 693
    I'll give Row Dow a whirl this weekend let you know how I get on.
  • johngti
    johngti Posts: 2,508
    Good luck! It's only Mother's Day keeping me in at the weekend :)
  • Jrf85
    Jrf85 Posts: 15
    Yeah cheers john it was great way to start the day and I'll be there in two weeks
  • johngti
    johngti Posts: 2,508
    Tetley10 wrote:
    I'll give Row Dow a whirl this weekend let you know how I get on.

    Did you have a go then? Thoughts?
  • tetley10
    tetley10 Posts: 693
    Window of opportunity was too brief to get there and back. Got it on the too do list. You in for Chislehurst tomorrow morning!
  • johngti
    johngti Posts: 2,508
    Depends on time but possibly! Really need to be in school by 7.50-8
  • tetley10
    tetley10 Posts: 693
    What time do you normally hit Bexley village?