19/07/2014 Big G Cyclosportive

Posts: 321
https://www.sportsentrysolutions.com/ra ... cordID=340
The Big G Cyclosportive 2014
Address Bishop Burton College
Event Date
York Road
Entry Limit
Bishop Burton
Closing Date
East Yorkshire
Current Entrants
505 (13/3/14)
Post Code
HU17 8QG
Entry Status
Entries are now open
Welcome to the 2014 Big G Cyclosportive -
Entries will open early in 2014 for the 160km, 100km, and 60 km routes
Entries for the Mini G (30km route) will also open at the same time via a seperate entry page
Full details of the event including the routes are on the main event website
Important Note:
All participants under the age of 18 must have a consent form completed by their parent/guardian. Parental consent forms are available for download from the British Cycling website.
Riders under the age of 16 must be accompanied on the ride by a parent or guardian.
Entry Options
160 km Route £25.00
100 km Route £25.00
60 Km Route £25.00
https://www.sportsentrysolutions.com/ra ... cordID=340
The Big G Cyclosportive 2014
Address Bishop Burton College
Event Date
York Road
Entry Limit
Bishop Burton
Closing Date
East Yorkshire
Current Entrants
505 (13/3/14)
Post Code
HU17 8QG
Entry Status
Entries are now open
Welcome to the 2014 Big G Cyclosportive -
Entries will open early in 2014 for the 160km, 100km, and 60 km routes
Entries for the Mini G (30km route) will also open at the same time via a seperate entry page
Full details of the event including the routes are on the main event website
Important Note:
All participants under the age of 18 must have a consent form completed by their parent/guardian. Parental consent forms are available for download from the British Cycling website.
Riders under the age of 16 must be accompanied on the ride by a parent or guardian.
Entry Options
160 km Route £25.00
100 km Route £25.00
60 Km Route £25.00
There's always www.cyclechat.co.uk
great ride, all signed up and training well!enigma esprit
cannondale caad8 tiagra 20120