Road Lights for the Day

CXrider Posts: 141
edited March 2014 in Road buying advice
Hi all,
I was off cycling at the weekend when I spotted two cyclists who both had these amazing lights on the front and back.
It was about Midday on Sunday 9th, best day of the year so far but these lights were incredibly bright, as bright as any car light (front) or brake light (rear). The rear lights were flashing in a red-red-green, red-red-green, etc, sequence.

Any idea what these lights are? They passed by pretty quickly as I was stationary but they looked to be relatively large though it might have just been the affect of the light. They looked like very serious kitted-out cyclists.

I just though how incredibly safe they looked. They stood out boldly even when they were half a mile down the road.
Pedal to Paris blog at


  • markhewitt1978
    markhewitt1978 Posts: 7,614
    I'm no legal expert but would red-green flashing be legal?
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    I don't really think it matters. I've not heard of anyone being stopped for having lights. It's not really a big offence.
  • I have a Lezyne MicroDrive rear light I use in daylight if it's gloomy or overcast.

    It has a daytime running mode which is very bright- lasts around 2hrs on this highest setting. Certainly NOT to be used at night in this mode. The number of cyclists who comment on its effectiveness is impressive- I can highly recommend it.

    Nice n small too and has USB charge. Check them out at Merlin or-the-like...

    I also use an old Dinotte on the front on similar overcast or gloomy Winter days. The flash mode is again, very distinct. I've had lots of cyclists come the other way comment on whether I'm aware "YOUR FRONT LIGHT IS ON!". Well,'s not much use to me OFF is it!

    I actually think using lights in the daytime are an effective method of getting yourself noticed as long as you have decent lights that are as effective as these.
  • drlodge
    drlodge Posts: 4,826
    CXrider wrote:
    The rear lights were flashing in a red-red-green, red-red-green, etc, sequence.

    Any idea what these lights are?

    Were these lights tucked up under the saddle perchance? Sounds like a Four4th Scorpion to me, I have one. The red-red-green is supposed to be used in bright day light e.g. when time trialling. It is questionable as to their legality (the lights have other red only modes) but then would you rather risk not being seen, or risk being stopped by "the law"?
    WyndyMilla Massive Attack | Rourke 953 | Condor Italia 531 Pro | Boardman CX Pro | DT Swiss RR440 Tubeless Wheels
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  • bushpixy
    bushpixy Posts: 49
    I have 2 Cayeye nano shots and I use them on steady at night and flashing during the day. Only 1 mind in the day time.
  • markhewitt1978
    markhewitt1978 Posts: 7,614
    cougie wrote:
    I don't really think it matters. I've not heard of anyone being stopped for having lights. It's not really a big offence.

    No I know. As far as I know the only restriction is you can't have a white light on the back or red on the front, other than that anything goes.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    I saw a group of half a dozen kids on bikes the other evening. All with white lights at the back and red on the front.
    Is this a new trend or are they confused ?
  • markhewitt1978
    markhewitt1978 Posts: 7,614
    cougie wrote:
    I saw a group of half a dozen kids on bikes the other evening. All with white lights at the back and red on the front.
    Is this a new trend or are they confused ?

    I've heard a few people mentioning that, I hope it isn't the new fashion as it sounds massively dangerous.
  • CXrider
    CXrider Posts: 141
    Thanks, I will check out the suggestions and try and get some today.
    Pedal to Paris blog at
  • CXrider
    CXrider Posts: 141
    drlodge wrote:
    CXrider wrote:
    The rear lights were flashing in a red-red-green, red-red-green, etc, sequence.

    Any idea what these lights are?

    Were these lights tucked up under the saddle perchance? Sounds like a Four4th Scorpion to me, I have one. The red-red-green is supposed to be used in bright day light e.g. when time trialling. It is questionable as to their legality (the lights have other red only modes) but then would you rather risk not being seen, or risk being stopped by "the law"?

    yeah, I had a look at these online and am convinced it was this. They are so bright an airplane could land on you :lol:
    Pedal to Paris blog at
  • markhewitt1978
    markhewitt1978 Posts: 7,614
    The red green flash thing looks pretty nifty, is there a justification for it being used in this way?
  • drlodge
    drlodge Posts: 4,826
    The red green flash thing looks pretty nifty, is there a justification for it being used in this way?

    I believe its simply that the green is easier to be seen during day light.
    WyndyMilla Massive Attack | Rourke 953 | Condor Italia 531 Pro | Boardman CX Pro | DT Swiss RR440 Tubeless Wheels
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  • alan_sherman
    alan_sherman Posts: 1,157
    Not more bloody flashing lights. :( Motorcycles used to run with lights on in the daytime to be noticed. Now new cars do. Looks like cyclists are the next group to join the arms race.

    Its all madness!
  • markhewitt1978
    markhewitt1978 Posts: 7,614
    True but that's the way it's going if you can't beat them, join them.
  • pilot_pete
    pilot_pete Posts: 2,120
    Not more bloody flashing lights. :( Motorcycles used to run with lights on in the daytime to be noticed. Now new cars do. Looks like cyclists are the next group to join the arms race. Its all madness!

    There is a reason, because it is more noticeable, especially at a junction when the driver about to pull out only has a lazy glance rather than a proper look.

    The counter argument is that when every vehicle has a light on an individual vehicle's light(s) will just be lost in a sea of lights...

    It's a bit like hi-viz clothing. It stands out well individually, but put everyone in it and you are back to square one with a blinding headache to boot!

  • CXrider
    CXrider Posts: 141
    Pilot Pete wrote:
    Not more bloody flashing lights. :( Motorcycles used to run with lights on in the daytime to be noticed. Now new cars do. Looks like cyclists are the next group to join the arms race. Its all madness!

    There is a reason, because it is more noticeable, especially at a junction when the driver about to pull out only has a lazy glance rather than a proper look.

    The counter argument is that when every vehicle has a light on an individual vehicle's light(s) will just be lost in a sea of lights...

    It's a bit like hi-viz clothing. It stands out well individually, but put everyone in it and you are back to square one with a blinding headache to boot!


    you're absolutely right, it is inevitable. it's just a matter of time before daytime running lights are the law.

    we will get lost in the crowd, that's why I have also bought a 9 foot pole with a union Jack at the top. fits nicely behind the seat with a custom bracket I made. it's a bitch in the wind though. :-)
    Pedal to Paris blog at
  • kingrollo
    kingrollo Posts: 3,198
    I was thinking of a dinotte for my recumbent - But I am tempted by 4th scorpion - I want it 4 daylight use - anybody used\seen both ?
  • jordan_217
    jordan_217 Posts: 2,580
    Not more bloody flashing lights. :( Motorcycles used to run with lights on in the daytime to be noticed. Now new cars do. Looks like cyclists are the next group to join the arms race.

    Its all madness!

    In all fairness Volvo and Saab have been doing it for years and those pesky Swedes know a thing about road safety.
    “Training is like fighting with a gorilla. You don’t stop when you’re tired. You stop when the gorilla is tired.”
  • bigpikle
    bigpikle Posts: 1,690
    I swear I've seen people do a double take at junctions when I've been using lights in winter gloom etc - not darkness but just when its overcast or even a low winter sun. I use an Exposure Flare on pulse mode at the rear and its brilliant, and a tiny Moon front light that has a superb flashing mode and is no more than the size of a tiny matchbox. I'd rather join the crowd of lights than be missed just once...
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