Can't cook, won't cook

Anonymous Posts: 79,665
edited March 2014 in The cake stop
Chicken Thighs

Dauphinoise Potatoes

Wtf do I do with the chicken thighs which will work with the spuds? Ideally dairy free or have an easy dairy free version (he's getting mash).

Veg selection?


  • Ride hard
    Ride hard Posts: 389
    This might not work with dauphinoise potatoes – well, actually it definitely won’t because of the clash of cuisines – but how about making a dead easy terraki sauce?

    Pre cook your chicken in the oven, then put in a pan that already has a 4/5 tbps of soy sauce, some freshly chopped ginger and chillies and golden syrup. Simmer gently while stirring to coat the chicken until the sauce starts to thicken and get all gooey. Works great with salmon too.

    You could also try honey and mustard sauce which is just as easy to make with, errr, honey and mustard :D
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  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,565
    breadcrumb the chicken, deep fry it

    for veg, mixed salad with oil+vinegar+seasoning
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • rhext
    rhext Posts: 1,639
    Fry skin-side down over a medium heat for 5 minutes until browned, turn over and season well. Transfer to a medium oven for 15-20 minutes to finish cooking. Could also roast in a medium oven, skin-side up for 40 minutes, basting half-way through. If you happen to have a bottle of wine open then, when the chicken is finished cooking, take any excess fat out of the pan with a spoon, chuck in a glass of wine and reduce by about 3/4s: you won't need any sauce to go with your dauphinoise, but then you''ll still have some to go with the mash. Simple steamed green veg or wilted spinach would work well with that.
  • If you want a really easy option, just roast the chicken thighs and serve with (e.g.) steamed/boiled broccoli and carrots. Just don't follow my nan's recipe of putting the veg on in early January :D
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Hmm. The teriyaki looks good but I am desperate for dauphinoise.

    rhext - that looks good. Annoyingly they are boned and skinned, so may not be an option, but still pretty good, esp with the red wine.

    Thanks all.
  • If boned and skinned, I'd go for a casserole. Chop into pieces, dredge in seasoned flour, put in an oven-proof dish with sliced onion, garlic, S&P, some herbs, wine and chicken stock and let the oven do the work
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Great shout. Thanks
  • RideOnTime
    RideOnTime Posts: 4,712
    coriordan wrote:
    Chicken Thighs

    Dauphinoise Potatoes

    Wtf do I do with the chicken thighs which will work with the spuds? Ideally dairy free or have an easy dairy free version (he's getting mash).

    Veg selection?

    Not keen on Dauphinoise Potatoes.

    Just sayin...
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    NFI'd mate so no bother
  • team47b
    team47b Posts: 6,425
    coriordan wrote:
    NFI'd mate so no bother

    I bet he's bovvered :D
    my isetta is a 300cc bike
  • FatTed
    FatTed Posts: 1,205
    I can't cook, but don't those Dauphinoise Potatoes have milk in them?
  • team47b
    team47b Posts: 6,425
    ...and or double cream
    my isetta is a 300cc bike
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Hence the "he's having mash part"