How Do You Warm Up



  • matt581
    matt581 Posts: 219
    Doing a bit of a dynamic warm up is very beneficial. Its important to raise the heart rate and mobilize the muscle groups you are gong to be using before going hell for leather up the first steep climb. Just a general light spin around the car park or even setting off at a slower pace and increasing will help reduce the risk of injury.

    An effective cool down/warm down and stretch will help. As opposed to just finishing a 2 hr ride then jumping in the car and your leg muscles seizing. Taking five minutes to bring the heart rate down, static stretching after exercise can help to improve there range of motion.

    Also a cold beer on the way home.
  • matt581
    matt581 Posts: 219
    The Rookie wrote:
    brucie45 wrote:
    but it is never good thing for anyone to have a rapid decrease in body temp, heart rate and blood pressure. Maybe this is why the cycling pros, mtb pros, football pros, rugby pros etc. do it.
    Or it is perceived wisdom that has never been challenged....and is in fact not wise at all!

    Actually watch most pro's that have just been subbed, blanket over shoulders and sit down.....

    They also have a full phsyio team providing deep tissue sports massages after races, training...