£3k budget for a steel or Ti frame road bike



  • mfin
    mfin Posts: 6,729
    Van Nic Aquilo with Record and Shamal Ultra's would probably be 3k
  • I have a super acciaio, it's a fantastic bike. It's the only steel bike I've ever had but it's on par with any carbon bike I've ridden.
  • dwanes
    dwanes Posts: 954
    How about this Classic Italian Stainless steel frameset?
    Casati Inox T99

  • I think you could build up a fantastic bike for your fifth decade with 3K. I set about on a similar project to replace an old lugged carbon frame. After looking at Ti,Carbon and Steel I ended off with a Condor Super Acciaio. The final build may not be super lightweight ( 18.3lbs ) but my budget was 2K and I just went over on it, all parts brand new from online retailers. You can view a picture of it and read more detail of build at this link:-


    I aimed for just over 17lbs using manufacturer quoted weights, and on paper it was, but I found they were being economical with the truth! With an extra £1000 it'd be easy to get under that. Anyway its a great bike, excellent ride and handling so it gets a recommendation from myself. Also no hassle dealing with any of the main retailers involved Condor, Comtat etc. I went with team colours as the black and white looks quite classic but for the £100 or so extra you could have your own unique colour scheme.

    The enigma elite is another similarly priced frameset that could also be built up to make a seriously classy ride.

    Enjoy the decision making its fun ( though not without angst at times :) )
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Lovely Casati, problem is the frame alone is 3200 Euros!

    I'm 5-0 next year and will likely go for something Italian in XCr - I've got three titanium bikes already!
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..