Garmin virtual partner on Strava segments

topcattim Posts: 766
edited March 2014 in Road general
I've used the clever Virtual Partner uploader at Raceshape to get a Strava segment into my Edge 810 with my PB up a particular hill. This has my pace up the hill, speeding up and slowing down as the gradient shallows and steepens. So its a more realistic challenge than just an average speed.

Following the instructions at Raceshape and at Scarletfire, it says just to select the course as I approach it and then race myself. But that gives my "Virtual me" a headstart, as it sets off when I set the course going rather than when I enter the segment. I could, of course, set the course going as I enter it but I don't always know its exact start. Besides, I was hoping to do this to pace myself on some TTs, where this won't be an option, as I will want to concentrate on gaining speed rather than pressing buttons!

Is there a way of setting the Virtual Partner so it only starts as I actually enter the segment?


  • Buckie2k5
    Buckie2k5 Posts: 600
    Ive only used vp on my 705 a few times but iam pretty sure the timer resets its self as you pass the start line of the course. Just start the course when you set off.
  • StillGoing
    StillGoing Posts: 5,211
    Cant you just use the VP that is already within the 810 device setting it to activate at the start of the ride?
    I ride a bike. Doesn't make me green or a tree hugger. I drive a car too.
  • topcattim
    topcattim Posts: 766
    philthy3 wrote:
    Cant you just use the VP that is already within the 810 device setting it to activate at the start of the ride?
    Yes, but...
    That involves fiddling around with buttons, something I'd rather not be doing at the start of a TT and
    The auto VP smooths the pace to a consistent average so speeds up hills faster and down hills slower than my previous PB and therefore isn't such a good pacer.
    The auto VP is a good second best but I hope I can get the other version working properly. Perhaps Buckie is right and I shall just need to keep testing.
  • Sprool
    Sprool Posts: 1,022
    I've had a few goes with this on the Edge 500 - it resets itself when you get to the course start, so don't fret about it setting off ahead as you make your way towards the segment.
  • If the course is the segment, then you can start it before you get there and the device should announce "Course Found" when you hit the segment. (That's what it says on the 800, the 810 may vary?)
    This is your cue to go for it, and the comparison timer will start.
    Irritatingly, there does always seem to be a small offset of around 15 seconds. You and the VP never quite set off together, strangely. You can "zero" the difference, but this means holding your finger on the screen for a couple of seconds, which may detract from the hard effort you're supposed to be putting in. Depends on how long the segment is, I suppose.

    Thanks for mentioning the article on ScarletFire.
    Here's the link, if anyone needs it: ... rava-koms/

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