edge 800 navigation

chatlow Posts: 850
edited February 2014 in Road general
Got the 800 and added a tcx course to it from mapmyride. Copied it to Garmin\Newfile folder on sdcard and before setting off, I selected ride details - spanner - and navigation to on.

Started off great.. beeped on turns etc. Half way through the ride I went off course slightly (confusing lanes) and when I got back on course it recognised this but the turn by turn navigation wasn't there, just the line showing which way to go.

Managed to get back home OK but would have been nice to turn notifications. Any idea what happened?



  • Go to courses.
    Create new course from route you've created.
    Press spanner and ensure turn guidance is set to on.
    Hopefully that should work
  • chatlow
    chatlow Posts: 850
    Yeah I did this for all the courses I have created. I will look at some other setting and make sure they are correct
  • chippyk
    chippyk Posts: 529
    I've the OS maps on mine and if I ask it for directions to a postcode it gives me a stupid route, miles out of the way. For example to work it takes me 10 miles NE then picks up a road that I can get directly to in 3 miles. Rubbish