Sound advice

peggrinder Posts: 29
edited February 2014 in Road buying advice
Treated myself to a previously owned road fitted with brake inserts that resembled the sound of a garden rake being dragged across a blackboard when used. After using the search function , I forced myself to shell out £20 :shock: for a small plastic package containing 4 black strips of rubber with Swisstop stamped on them..... fitted them ...rode them...bliss..


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    £20 on Swissstop pads is cheap/VFM upgrade lol.

    Make sure the pads are set up correctly and kept clean ;-)
    I usually take wheels off when giving the bike a good clean as its easier to do wheels and frame.
    It also allows you to clean pads properly with a brush and check for anything stuck in them.
  • Yeah nice one, thanks for the tip ; )