Shimano RS11's

jongrubb Posts: 9
edited February 2014 in Road buying advice
Are these wheels suitable for commuting 30 miles a day?




  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    Most wheels are capable of being ridden 30 miles per day. More pertinent questions will be things like the weight of the rider, tyre choice and the quality of the road surfaces...
  • Barteos
    Barteos Posts: 657
    Fancy low spoke (16/20) wheels with proprietary parts are for pretend racers, not high mileage commuters.
  • Zendog1
    Zendog1 Posts: 816
    Ignore the old skool type comments. They will be fine.

    I've done well over 50,000 miles on 16/20 shimano wheels. Total problems to date - two broken spokes.
    Both times I could ride home.
  • djhermer
    djhermer Posts: 328
    Barteos wrote:
    Fancy low spoke (16/20) wheels with proprietary parts are for pretend racers, not high mileage commuters.

    Which doesn't answer the question. He's clearly not racing (pretending or otherwise) and 30 miles a day is not a high mileage commute. As Imposter says, there aren't many wheels that can't cope with 150 miles a week commuting. How long they last will depend on the factors mentioned by Imposter and how you look after them.
  • mattv
    mattv Posts: 992
    They'll take it fine, but if you do break a spoke its much harder to get hold of one from Shimano. Personally I prefer handbuilt wheels with standard quality spokes. Easier to fix in the future.
  • porker33
    porker33 Posts: 636
    I use these as winter wheels.....fine.....very cheap...the only downside is build quality is not great!

    It would make sense to check the spoke tension before use, a tweak from your LBS could save hassle down the road!
  • jotko
    jotko Posts: 457
    I have done ~2000 commuting miles on a pair of RS10s and they are still going strong - probably depends on how much you weigh really, I am 70kg and they have been fine, have done zero maintenance.
  • chris_bass
    chris_bass Posts: 4,913
    i've commuted on RS10s for a few years and had one incident where i broke 2 spokes (both on the front wheel at the same time!) but in fairness to the wheels they got me the 35 miles back home at the end of the day! it wobbled about a lot but it got there! - a site for sore eyes
  • Barteos
    Barteos Posts: 657
    djhermer wrote:
    Barteos wrote:
    Fancy low spoke (16/20) wheels with proprietary parts are for pretend racers, not high mileage commuters.

    Which doesn't answer the question.

    You're right. The correct answer is: Every wheel will do 30, 50 or 70 miles of commuting a day, only some of them will fail sooner, some later. Some will use spokes available from every shop, while some will require proprietary ones. Some will require truing, some will remain true for their entire service life (as any good wheels should).
    Some will make a good investment, some will be just flashy throwaway consumables.

    Objectively, low spoke "designer" wheels offer no advantages whatsoever for commuting and most of types of riding.
    There is nothing "old skool" about it. Just common sense.

    P.S. I think the OP has already some experience with 20/40 wheels.:wink: