Bontrager Sealant and TLR

ryvickers Posts: 36
edited August 2014 in Workshop
Guys and Girls,

Anybody had experience of the this? I am waiting on delivery of my Trek Madone with TLR wheels and seen as its my first attempt of going over from clinchers to TLR, Id like to make sure I don't have issues with the installation of the sealant - any tips? From those with experience, do they really have good puncture resistance?


  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Firstly, install the tyre without sealant to make sure it seals and the beads 'snap' into position. Deflate the tyre and remove the valve core and suspend the wheel vertically with the valve at 4 or 8 o'clock positions. Inject the sealant using a plastic syringe - if you use the squirt bottle it often blows-back - refit the valve core and inflate the tyre. Check the beads for bubbling of sealant - lying the wheel on it's side with the bubbling bead at the lowest point helps the sealant to do it's stuff. Plenty more sealant tips on the Stans No Tubes website.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • Cheers Monty - I take it you've used the tyres and sealant before? Good puncture resistance (if not riding over nails!)?
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    I've not used the Bonty tyres, but fitted plenty of tubeless tyres. With sealant, you often don't notice the punctures until after you removed the tyre at a later date and find all manner of protrusions.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • Enwezor
    Enwezor Posts: 124
    Thanks for that useful post. I just made a post on the general advice road bike page in relation to this and my experience over 6 months with TLR tubeless on my new Madone. Any advice grateful.
