Orange rx9 or Cannondale Caadx Disc 105 '14

Sailingjab Posts: 5
edited February 2014 in Cyclocross
I'm looking to get a cyclocross bike for commuting to work, and a bit of fun on the way home. I'm limited to what I can purchase though the Cycle to Work scheme to local bike shops, so can't buy online.

I really like the look of either the Orange rx9, Cannondale Caadx Disc 105 '14 or Giant TCX 2. I haven't been able to find any reviews of the Orange. Has anyone bought one? Coming from near Halifax, I would like to buy a locally made bike if I could.



  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,947
    I had a look at the Orange at last years London bike Show, can't remember much about it other than it being orange. I think it's quite expensive for the spec. There's a bit of a write up here. After a very brief look I'd go for the Giant as it has better brakes, then the Canondale next and the Orange last in terms of spec. But you should go for whatever floats your boat. See if you can try before you buy though.
    Kinesis Pro6
    Marin Nail Trail
    Cotic Solaris
    Hmmm, should add a few more to this…
  • Not sure I like that Orange, looks a bit naff, paying for the name I guess. There are now loads of bike in this category, so keep your options open. I think Cannondale will give you a good frame to start with. You perhaps need to think if you need a true Cyclocross bike or something for commuting, touring, winter road riding etc, for example a Specialized Tricross.