Campag Ergopower sticking

fleshtuxedo Posts: 1,857
edited February 2014 in Workshop
My 2012 Veloce right hand ergo is intermittently sticking and stopping me from downshifting to a smaller rear cog. The thumb button won't depress at all, then I try and try again and eventually it shifts. Not ideal.

Do I need to rebuild it? Soak it in oil?



  • cycleclinic
    cycleclinic Posts: 6,865
    The hood is likely cauing the problem. Wiggle the hood about abit. It happened to me on my left hand shifter as the thumb shifter got stuck on the hood. A wiggle solved it. -wheel building and other stuff.
  • fleshtuxedo
    fleshtuxedo Posts: 1,857
    No freaking way! If that's it, I love you forever. I'm off to engage in some precision wiggling....
  • just check that the thumb shifter pivot is not stiff,it can jam the mechanism, give it a blast of wd 40.
  • g00se
    g00se Posts: 2,221
    I find the hood-jam tends to stop the thumb button returning - rather than stopping it being depressed.

    I've occasionally found that when I go to press the thumb lever, it's physically won't move. I've put this down to riding with my thumbs resting on the button which has occasionally started to engage the ratchet and it sticks. The solution when this happens is to either slightly tap the lever behind the brake lever - or hook my thumb under the thumb lever and give it a little push up.