Cheapest way to get fast broadband + Sport channels?

bartman100 Posts: 544
edited January 2014 in The cake stop
I live in an area that can get Virgin fibre optic broadband but not BT infinity.

I'm inclined to get Virgin therefore but I have no desire for a bundled TV package. However, I would like to get sport - primarily footie.

The number of options is slightly bewildering. Can anyone tell me of the best way to get what I need?


  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    If you can get Plus Net at a reasonable speed with their FTTC service they do BT Sport that you can watch on your Sky box (but not on the BT Sport app on the iPad) for about a fiver a month, another £1.50 on top for HD. They're an off-shoot of BT but don't necessarily share equipment and LLU - we couldn't have BT but PN was ok. No idea why.
  • CiB wrote:
    If you can get Plus Net at a reasonable speed with their FTTC service they do BT Sport that you can watch on your Sky box (but not on the BT Sport app on the iPad) for about a fiver a month, another £1.50 on top for HD. They're an off-shoot of BT but don't necessarily share equipment and LLU - we couldn't have BT but PN was ok. No idea why.

    Interesting, thanks. I don't have a Sky box so will have do do some googling.
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    This might be of interest if you're thinking of buying a 2nd hand Sky box. I found it when I was looking for info - it drifts off topic a bit but probably points you in the right direction.