Back to Work Mehnday...

thekickingmule Posts: 7,957
edited January 2014 in The Crudcatcher
Mehning Losers!

Looks like it's going to be another typical Monday. No idea what's instore for me, but I'm sure it won't be fun. If I remember, I will be filling in my holiday form to get Wednesday, Thursday and Friday off work. That's providing nothing happens between now and then!

Starting the diet thing now, to see if I can lose up to 2 stone. Dropped the crisps and chocolate biscuit from my dinner, so I'm sure I'll be ravenous by 2pm!

It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
Blender Cube AMS Pro


  • arran77
    arran77 Posts: 9,260
    Morning homos.

    Monday with all the associated work shite has come round far too quickly again for my liking :roll: Today will involve lots of trying to look busy whilst consuming much tea.

    Ordered myself a Reverb yesterday so hopefully that will arrive in the next day or two :)

    Anyway onwards to porridge, laters :mrgreen:
    "Arran, you are like the Tony Benn of smut. You have never diluted your depravity and always stand by your beliefs. You have my respect sir and your wife my pity" :lol:

  • ste_t
    ste_t Posts: 1,599
    Morning sexpests,

    en route to work already. I know there isn't a chance in hell that I'll get everything I need doing squeezed in as I have 3 hours of meetings to contend with.

    My boss is being a ballbag aswell. Text me last night telling me to call her first thing to discuss something that happened over the weekend. Why not just bloody call me herself this morning?!

    Bloody women. Can't live with 'em, can't kill 'em.

  • Freaks

    My week started out crap 5 days ago when I landed on this platform from hell in the North sea.

    Meh !
    Trek,,,, too cool for school ,, apparently
  • arran77
    arran77 Posts: 9,260

    My week started out crap 5 days ago when I landed on this platform from hell in the North sea.

    At least the weather must be nice out there :lol:
    "Arran, you are like the Tony Benn of smut. You have never diluted your depravity and always stand by your beliefs. You have my respect sir and your wife my pity" :lol:

  • :D Hell no,, mental winds and fekin freezing. So I`m staying indoors,

    Get rocked to sleep though,, it`s a big boat I`m on so it moves a fair bit.

    Meh !
    Trek,,,, too cool for school ,, apparently
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,194

    shoot sleep with a manic week means no catch up :(
  • VWsurfbum
    VWsurfbum Posts: 7,881
    Mehning Feckwits!
    Today will be lots of catching up and getting ready for end of month.
    Had a sh1tty ride in the mud yesterday against better judgement. Will be going for a run out in the mud tonight to compensate.
    Good news- Bike will sell on Ebay .
    Bad news - Wheels have not been dispatched yet as there was a delay on the hubs.
    Looks like i'll be riding fatty everywhere until wheels arrive :)

    Anyway coffees done, no bacons today, must re start diet :(
    Kazza the Tranny
    Now for sale Fatty
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,863
    Did we have a whole weekend or did a gust of wind blow a large chunk of it away? Spent what I had of the weekend fixing things and dealing with a sickly daughter. Got to work this morning to find out of 7 people in the office only 3 of us will be in today. One of those 3 might as well not bother as the waste of skin does more harm than good but the powers that be are too spineless to do anything about the useless phucktard.
    Deep joy.
  • bobtbuilder
    bobtbuilder Posts: 1,537
    Morning Hairies,

    Real case of the January blues today and seriously CBA with work all all it's attendant bullshoot. At least I have physio today so i get to leave at 3pm. That's really the only positive today!
  • Cookeh
    Cookeh Posts: 351
    Back to work Mehnday? Some of us aren't fortunate enough to get weekends off!! :(

    Coffee, breakfast, more coffee, and Im now sat in the third of mine 9-6 lectures which are to be followed by coursework prep.
  • pilch
    pilch Posts: 1,136
    Morning jokers, work is shite, but I wont bore you with it... had a fun time riding round in circles in thetford forest yesterday, in constant rain with 100's of other 'keen' bods... between us we created a kind of 'sh1t soup' which we all frollicked in for hours...

    Fun times
    A berm? were you expecting one?

    29er race

    29er bouncer
  • Penylope
    Penylope Posts: 320
    mmeehh! There are too many mondays for my liking, i'm sure there was one yesterday as well :(

    Productive weekend, concrete slab layed ready for a bike store i'm waiting for, should be here on thursday, yay!
    In other news, the weather was so anti bike at the weekend, i've ordered a turbo trainer from helfrauds, how sad is that...
    MTB's, SC Blur LTc & Cotic Soul (26" definitely aint dead!).
    Other, Genesis Croix De Fer
  • Well I'm passing the first day of the week reading this forum acting as if I'm actually typing something work related. We should have a 3day weekend 2 days just don’t do it.
    Anyways better get some estimates enginnered..
  • lawman
    lawman Posts: 6,868
    Back to uni work for me today, need to start my research on my dissertation, but as it's bike-related it shouldn't be too bad :) Need to have a clean out in my room as well, it's a bit messy having had two bikes and muddy kit in there over the weekend.

    Weekend was full of meh, was looking forward to it as I had a carbon Bronson for the weekend but due to the atrocious weather the welsh coast is experiencing atm I only got out on it once and it was hard to really tell how it performed because it was so fecking cold, wet and windy. Not sure as I like the VPP compared to the DW-link I'm used too, so oddly having ridden it and been a little under-whelmed I'm left with more questions than when I started :? Maybe I'm just fussy but there's little else that takes my fancy out there atm, hopefully something will catch my eye before the end of summer, tbf though keeping the Ibis is hardly a bad thing! :lol:

    I also need to start on a diet, well rather get back to normal eating habits, if indeed my eating habits could be called normal! :lol: Put on a fair bit of heft since the CCC2CC and fitness has dropped too, so I'm try eating better and getting out more, see if I can arrange some kind of make shift gym too.

    Anyways, speaking of food, I'm starving! Laters!!
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 61,788
    Morning Reprobates,

    My chain developed a bit of a death rattle on the way into work this morning and I've got no time to get it sorted so will just have to keep my fingers crossed tonight. I realised I have not bought anything from CRC or Wiggle or anyone since last year so I can feel a bit of an impulse spend coming on :) Once I've shifted the pile of crap off my desk that's keeping me busy...
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,593
    Hola ladies,

    Interesting to hear you say that about the VPP Lawman. I wasnt blown away by it on the nomad and overall prefered my Mondy by a fair bit in reality. but the Bronson looks so sweet.

    probably will end up with another Dune but the funky geometry one in 650b going to test one soon!

  • Gazlar
    Gazlar Posts: 8,083
    Afternoon scuttlers

    Work until 1 in the morning which displeases me, but had a lazy old day yesterday apart from buying an old giant trance in great nick for 200 quid, an xs though and being the good Samaritan I am have sold it straight on to a mate for cost price for his Mrs to use.
    Mountain biking is like sex.......more fun when someone else is getting hurt
  • lawman
    lawman Posts: 6,868
    Hola ladies,

    Interesting to hear you say that about the VPP Lawman. I wasnt blown away by it on the nomad and overall prefered my Mondy by a fair bit in reality. but the Bronson looks so sweet.

    probably will end up with another Dune but the funky geometry one in 650b going to test one soon!


    The Bronson is a great looking bike, barring the god awful orange graphics and the ride position felt pretty good but the pedal feedback through the suspension was a bit odd, not bad as is it still felt pretty effecient, but very different to the very neutral DW-link I'm so used to. The main reason I was so drawn to the Bronson was the geometry tbh, I want to try the Solo out and see if that feels better, but atm there is nothing to my knowledge that ticks every one of my boxes, need that lottery win to hurry up so I can start my own company :lol: