DCR wheels builds good?

skinnyT Posts: 73
edited January 2014 in Road buying advice
Anyone have any experience with these wheel builders? Are they good,bad?




  • LegendLust
    LegendLust Posts: 1,022
    They're very good. I got David to build me a set of training wheels about 4 months ago. I've ridden them non-stop and in all weathers and over all sorts of rough roads. In fact this morning I hit a pot hole hiding under a puddle - hit the front wheel with some force - the wheel is still as true as the day it arrived.

    I can't fault him and his customer service is superb - highly recommended.
  • cycleclinic
    cycleclinic Posts: 6,865
    I am not surprised that a wheel is still true after hitting a pothole. Everyone hits holes all the time and wheels survive that is the whole point of a wheel.
    http://www.thecycleclinic.co.uk -wheel building and other stuff.
  • Excellent builds, advice and aftersales. I have 2 sets, shall buy again next wheels I need.
  • LegendLust
    LegendLust Posts: 1,022
    I am not surprised that a wheel is still true after hitting a pothole. Everyone hits holes all the time and wheels survive that is the whole point of a wheel.

    I suppose I should have clarified for all the pedents - I've hit pot holes quite hard with other wheels and of course they didn't shatter and break but they did end up with a slight wobble needing some spoke tweaking to get the wheel true again.

    My front wheel after this morning is still running straight as a die
  • skinnyT
    skinnyT Posts: 73
    thanks for the feedback. I got a prompt reply to an email I sent to DCR and David gave me some possible builds. Good so far.
  • Bookwyse
    Bookwyse Posts: 245
    I am currently building a set of wheels that David is helping myself with. He has been really helpful and honest and is really keen to help with either building you a set or helping you build your own

    I can recommend him and also the Kinlin rims if they are only for a light weight summer ride.
  • Go local.

    If DCR is your local or you don't have a local builder, then fine, otherwise local is always best.
    It's nice to have your wheels checked before a big event or a trip to the Alps, or tweaked after a few thousand miles of use. As much as most wheels will never need truing, it is much better if they do get checked every now and again... they just last longer and ride better if they are maintained... more so if they are light wheels that need more attention...
    Remember many people will tell you their wheels have done x thousand miles and never needed truing or attention and they are bombproof, which is probably true, but that is hardly the best way to go about maintenance... they'll probably just delaying the inevitable until it is too late to save them.
    Maintenance is only possible if you go local, unless you are happy to spend a lot of money in couriers. There are many builders around the country these days, so you shouldn't struggle too much to find a good one
    left the forum March 2023
  • DiscoBoy
    DiscoBoy Posts: 905
    Go local.

    If DCR is your local or you don't have a local builder, then fine, otherwise local is always best.

    Assuming that you know of/can find a good local wheelbuilder...
    Red bikes are the fastest.
  • Cost me ten quid to send mine back to DCR for a free once over, had this done twice now. Very happy with the turn round and service. Hubs were serviced last time as well foc as I bought I rather nice set of best wheels at the same time.
  • xscreamsuk wrote:
    Cost me ten quid to send mine back to DCR for a free once over, had this done twice now. Very happy with the turn round and service. Hubs were serviced last time as well foc as I bought I rather nice set of best wheels at the same time.

    Nice. Just ordering a set from him myself, was wondering about that process.
  • Mart74
    Mart74 Posts: 111
    I know nothing of the wheels or DCR.

    The website is full and detail, opinions and lots of information, all great stuff in my book.