Lost in Los Angeles?

aer Posts: 8
edited January 2014 in Tour & expedition
I'm going to be in L.A. for a few days in March and planning to spend four days exploring the surrounding area on a road bike. Never been to L.A. before so was wondering if anyone has any:

1. routes (100km+) that they can recommend?

2. cycle shops they can recommend for renting a road bike for a couple of days?

3. recommendations for cycle clubs in L.A. that I could maybe latch onto for a week-end ride?

4. views on whether, from downtown L.A., you would need a car to get to the outskirts for a ride or if you can bike it there sensibly?

5. any other tips or words of wisdom for a travelling rider!

I'm totally clueless about these things so any help is much appreciated.

Many thanks