HGV Valid Point

Moreyn Posts: 124
edited January 2014 in Road general


  • chris_bass
    chris_bass Posts: 4,913
    I see that (or something similar) on a lot of lorries.

    the problem I have is that a lot of lorries often overtake me at the approach to roundabouts or junctions so put me on the "suicide" side.
    www.conjunctivitis.com - a site for sore eyes
  • Chris Bass wrote:
    I see that (or something similar) on a lot of lorries.

    the problem I have is that a lot of lorries often overtake me at the approach to roundabouts or junctions so put me on the "suicide" side.
    stupid thing to do as a driver but on the other hand if he has overtaken you on the approach he more than likely knows your there(or should do anyway) but don't take it for granted chris there are some sh1t drivers out there to who just don't give a f&%K about anybody.

    keep safe mate.
    Lapierre Aircode 300
  • chris_bass
    chris_bass Posts: 4,913
    Yeah, I agree, when it happens I always keep out of the way as best I can until the lorry is well out of the way
    www.conjunctivitis.com - a site for sore eyes
  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    I was once "run over" by a cyclist while riding a motorbike. I was in heavy London traffic filtering through. I could see a bus immanently about to move out to rejoin from a drop off, there was a narrow gap, so I held back. A road cyclists so impatient to get through lifted his bike over my front wheel (though he actually ended up dragging the crank and chain across my front guard). He got 1/3 down the bus when the bus pulled out as predicted. Cyclist then proceeds to bang on the side of the bus, while getting squashed up against the car in the other lane. Totally obvious, totally predictable, would have taken 5 seconds for him to wait.

    Its not just cyclists, you see drivers passing lorries on roandabouts having to mount the curb to avoid being crushed and plenty of scooters will go up the inside of a lorry on the approach to lights. In all cases the bit that is missing is the risk vs reward assessment. Its the same for motorcyclists who filter at 70mph. They are taking huge risk for maybe a 5 or 6 minute saving. Now when the traffic is doing 20mph the benefit is huge for much lower risk.