Can't find an old thread

raybo Posts: 87
This link no longer works: viewforum.php?f=40003

Will it be restored? Or, should I remove a link to it from my website?


  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,673
    Was it spam? Did it contravene the T&C you agreed to?
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • raybo
    raybo Posts: 87
    nicklouse wrote:
    Was it spam? Did it contravene the T&C you agreed to?

    Here is what my index to the thread was:

    This thread at is a detailed discussion about the problems, dangers, and solutions to getting drinking water out of a stream. Responses offer suggestions on tablets and chemicals to use to purify the water, what kind of streams to use, and other thoughts on the topic.

    As I recall, it was a very useful bit of information.
  • raybo
    raybo Posts: 87
    Here is another missing thread: ... t=12607184

    Do you have any plans to restore these or should I remove the links from my website?

    Here is my description of the link:

    This thread at asks for information about bike touring in Croatia. Several responses provide bike touring experiences that mention specific routes and cities.
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,673
    If your links were just linking to your site then they could well have been reported are spam and removed.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • raybo
    raybo Posts: 87
    edited February 2014
    nicklouse wrote:
    If your links were just linking to your site then they could well have been reported are spam and removed. is a website that I maintain to point people to interesting articles and such on the internet. The Touring, Routes and Organized Rides forum is one place I look for threads that contain valuable information about bicycle touring. Those that I find useful, I link to from my site. The above 2 links are an example.

    You are suggesting that I have put a link back to my site in these threads. This is not true. What appears to have happened is that you have upgraded your forum software and lost some threads or not done the work to convert all of them over to the new format. Simply implying again and again that you have removed them due to some kind of spam on my part is not only incorrect but a bit insulting.

    If you have no intention of restoring old threads, please say so and I will remove them (and other links to your forums) from my archive. At the moment, they simply point to an error page.

    Have you looked though the threads I linked to? If you do, you will see they are as I describe them and valuable threads to the forums. This isn't about spam. This is about continuity.
  • raybo
    raybo Posts: 87
    I am bumping this thread before I start removing links from my archive of bike touring information.

    Do you have any intention of restoring old threads that can no longer be accessed?
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,673
    If you are looking for threads that just link to your site then they will have been deleted just like one you have just posted.

    Ps when they are gone they are gone.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • raybo
    raybo Posts: 87

    The thread I just posted in, that you deleted, asked about bike touring blogs. Why not remove the entire thread? Also, I'm not the only person who posted a link back to their blog.

    OK, I get that you don't want people posting back to their sites. I won't do it again. Too bad, as most of the links I post go my bike touring site that has over 2,000 entries about bike touring. You permit links to Why is that site allowed but those back to mine not? Just because I post them doesn't mean they are worthless.

    OK. I get it. You don't want me posting links back to my site. Fine. But, what does that have to do with the links I posted above? None of them link back to my site. They are threads with high quality information about bike touring that I want to send other people to. Maybe you should find them, if you can, and read them for yourself.

    In addition, my site has no advertising, makes me no money, and its sole purpose is to inform people about bicycle touring. Note, this is not true of and virtually all of the other links you have in your forum, with the exception of my site, which has none.

    I have now searched through the 31 links my site has to yours. Not one of them links back to my site. If you want, I will email you all of them so you can check. Here is the list of those links that are no longer found on your site and their topic. Again, NONE OF THESE THREADS CONTAIN A LINK BACK TO MY SITE!

    A thread about Malta:

    A thread on panniers to buy:

    A thread about bike touring in Girona: ... t=12568992

    A thread on getting bikes on trains in France:

    A thread on bike touring in Croatia: ... t=12607184

    A thread about bike services in Puerto Pollensa:

    This list doesn't include the two threads I linked to above.

    In your PS, you said "when they are gone they are gone." Does this mean that none of the above linked threads will be restored? I would like to know so that I can remove the links I have in my site.